原创 Diffrent ways to travers buildetails of a build definition with vs 2005 and vs 2008

  Sometimes you need traverse the build details for a build definition and fetch their information. I have the followin

原创 How to open PDF files in sharepoint

By central administration  General Settings of the application, Browser File Handling. Change  the setting  "Strict" to

原创 No write permission by web service directory on the IIS server

IIS uses NetWORK SERVICE user, u must grant fukll control of the proper directory.

原创 How to set edit and display rights for users by each feld or view of the list

Sharepoint supports only List level permission control, i was involved into a project for column level permission contr

原创 notsupportedException by active directory

first, thx starfish's support, who offered the code below ;)   the package used by AD is System.DirectoryService; Direc

原创 Access denied error by access to a txt file on the sharepoint server

To impersonate the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) authenticating user on every request for every page in

原创 SPFileVersion usage


原创 Change the Central Administration Web site port number (SharePoint Foundation 2010)

Verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: See Add-SPShellAdmin. Additionally, verify that you are a m


When the lone SharePoint Server (SPWFE1) needs to connect to a database (such as WSS_Content_MyContentDB) on the back-

原创 Get the current user permission level on a list item with ecmascript

To Check current users permissions using Ecmascript\Javascript client object model SharePoint 2010. function checkifUs

原创 Find error messages with a Correlation ID token in SharePoint 2010

Using PowerShell to lookup a log message based on Correlation ID token One of the quick-n-awesome ways to do this is

原创 How to open a popup window in infopath

1.Go to the Design Tasks panel on the left, click Controls and add a button to your form2.Right click on the button, se

原创 Automatic login to SharePoint2010 using Windows user id

 add the URL to the Intranet Security Zone by going to Toos Internet Options > Security > Local Intranet Zone > Sites

原创 The Managed Metadata Service or Connection is currently not available

Does the following error message looks familiar to you? (When you go to Site Actions –> Site Settings –> [Site Admini

原创 Add listitem with javascript

SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', createListItem);//makes sure sp.js is loaded and then calls create