原创 有沒有幸福可以曬

qq空間,或者是校內網,小姐妹們爭先恐後的更新心情,曬幸福,弄得我心裏也怪癢癢的,亟需與別人分享自己的羅曼史。只是理想是美麗的,現實卻是殘酷的,當我挖空心思找賣點時,卻發現沒有什麼可以曬……   幸福嗎?答:是的,千真萬確。 那怎麼不拿出

原创 Life Sucks

Every thing is gonna come and go,what will last forever? It sucks when you are not in control. It sucks more when you a

原创 The Bing Bang Theory Theme Song

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... The Eart

原创 miscellaneous

人小就是沒見識……好不容易學會了一個單詞,上班的時候,想起來竟然偷偷的笑了,在鍵盤上敲敲,真的把miscellaneous寫出來了,美的不行。 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 ite

原创 簡單愛

簡單愛。每天親親我的小浣熊。哥逗我的時候,就會打我的小浣熊,但是小浣熊還是一天到晚的笑着。我也一天到晚的笑着。簡單的幸福。 年級大了,竟然莫名其妙的天真起來。哥不在的時候,我會跟小浣熊聊天,問問他感覺怎麼樣,困不困什麼的。他傻傻的,不說話

原创 偶爾回回首


原创 辛德瑞拉

小時候對灰姑娘的故事一直模模糊糊,始終沒有個完整的印象,卻又始終好奇。現在都二十好幾了,一時興起,又去看了這個完美的愛情童話。美麗,勤勞,善良,生活在社會底層的辛德瑞拉,幾經周折,最後終於嫁給了王子,成就了一生的幸福。 如果我說,自己並不

原创 Have a trick with your little piggy bank

I have a little piggy bank, made of china, with the profile of a litte girl

原创 The Big Bang Theory Season 1,Episode 12

SHELDON Here is the problem with teleportation. LEONARD Lay it on me. SHELDON Assuming a device could be invented which

原创 Increase Your Three Types of Energy

Most successful people can be characterized as having very high levels of energy. Since energy is the fuel with which e

原创 Grey's Anatomy

It's all about lines:The finishing line is the end of the residencywaiting in lines for a chance at the operating table

原创 The Charge Of The Light Brigade

The Charge Of The Light Brigade     by Alfred, Lord Tennyson     Memorializing Events in the Battle of Balaclava, Octo

原创 20100826


原创 20100712

I sprained my ankle today and my husband told me to get away all my high heels...is that even an option?

原创 A leader should know how to manage failure

Former President of India APJ Abdul Kalam at Wharton India Economic forum , Philadelphia , March 22,2008 Question: Coul