原创 DNA is a semiconductor

[PhysicsWeb 1 April 1999] DNA molecules - the building blocks of life - can conduct electricity as efficiently as a goo

原创 Do they actually work together?

Hello, I have been doing business with China for a very short time and I ha

原创 ScienceNow: Hunting Down Cancer

Cancer researchers have long sought an alternative treatment to chemotherapy that can destroy tumors without damaging t

原创 Facing Business Challenges at Holiday Inn Worldwide

In the 1960s a family vacation in the United States usually meant loading the kids into the station wagon and driving o

原创 How the 80/20 rule can help you be more effective.

How the 80/20 rule can help you be more effective. In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical fo

原创 Detailed Buying Lead Description

I am marketing (and also purchaser) of famous trading company in pakistan;

原创 U.S. signals opposition to APEC expansion

The United States on Thursday signaled opposition to any immediate expansion of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Coo

原创 Pollution

Pollution is one of the biggest problems all over the world. Our earth is g

原创 Becky and the wolf

With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our ranch became a lonely place for our three-year-old daughter, B

原创 Odds grow for recession, but lenders hold the key

Wall Street's woes are raising the risk that the U.S. economy could sink into recession late this year or early next ye

原创 The Yorkshire Christmas Cat

My strongest memory of Christmas will always bound up with1) a certain little cat.I first saw her when I was called to

原创 Coking coal prices likely to rebound in 2008

Bloomberg reported that Coal used by steel makers might snap a three year slump in 2008 because of a decline in exports

原创 Mir Ends 'Triumphant' Mission, Fiji Sees Fireworks

"We saw five or six fragments with a huge smoke trail that lasted for 10 to 15 seconds. (It was) followed some time lat

原创 NIST unveils smallest atomic clock

[Physics Web, 3 September 2004]The precision of atomic clocks could soon be available in handheld devices such as cell

原创 Lehman Brothers optimistic on PC sector

The continuing strong revenue momentum in the PC-related food chain is keeping Lehman Brothers upbeat about the sector.