原创 Sweat ,Every fiber of your soul, Grind,Spit

Sweat ,Every fiber of your soul(非常專注和認真), Grind,Spit

原创 psych out,squealing

psych out 精神脅迫症 squealing 音調好高的,很難聽的噪音

原创 After the examination of 25 Nov.

It's a nomal day last Saturday,I ended my examination of trending to be an office-bearer.Looking backwa

原创 due to, proportion.

due to 因爲,由。。。導致 proportion 將一部分或某物和其他作比較

原创 illusion,heftier

illusion 看上去想真的卻不是真的東西 heftier 更巨大的,更大的

原创 posterior

minivna:小型貨車horror:驚駭, 恐怖, 慘事, 極端厭惡emerge:出來,出口stuck:sitck,n.棍 v.粘住,粘貼  vt.刺,戳posterior:較晚的;後部,屁股

原创 discriminating ;birthmark

 Care about the back of the man!Does he scary when he diving under the water?

原创 issured,ticket

issued 給予 ticket 違法而受到的罰款

原创 agent,insurance

"I'm serious.Our agent says that to qualify for flood insurance,we have to wear these vests any time it starts to rain.

原创 Road trip

Hey,Jun,were you able to ger time off for the road trip?I've already figured out the route.Don't worry