原创 Struts 2 override the interceptor parameters

In Struts 2, you can set or override the interceptor parameters via the generic <param> tag. See below example <pac

原创 Hibernate: Understanding Lazy Fetching

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly One of the potential problems with object/relational mapping is that a lot of work

原创 Hibernate – fetching strategies examples

Hibernate has few fetching strategies to optimize the Hibernate generated select statement, so that it can be as ef

原创 In SQL, what is the difference between a left join and a left outer join?

There is actually no difference between a left join and a left outer join – they both refer to the exact same opera

原创 Struts 2 execAndWait interceptor example

Struts 2 comes with a very interesting “Execute and Wait” interceptor named “execAndWait“, it’s a very convenient i

原创 Struts 2 mapping interceptors to action

Struts 2 developers are used to declare the actions belong to a package that extend the “struts-default“, which con

原创 Spring AOP - AspectJ - @AfterThrowing example

Last few pages talked about spring advices (before advice, after return advice, around advice and pointcut examples

原创 What is the difference between left join and left outer join?

<join_type> ::= [ { INNER | { { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL } [ OUTER ] } } [ <join_hint> ] ] JOIN The keyword OUT

原创 Struts 2 interceptor stack example

Often times, same set of interceptors may apply to different action classes, for example, <package name="default" n

原创 How to Identify and Resolve Hibernate N+1 SELECT's Problems

Let’s assume that you’re writing code that’d track the price of mobile phones. Now, let’s say you have a collection

原创 文章標題

A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins I thought Ligaya Turmelle’s post on SQL joins was a great primer for novice deve

原创 org.springframework.aop Interface ThrowsAdvice

public interface ThrowsAdvice extends AfterAdvice Tag interface for throws advice. There are not any methods on thi

原创 Struts 2 creating own interceptor

In this tutorial, it shows how to create an own interceptor in Struts 2. Summary steps : Create a class implements

原创 Spring MVC hello world annotation example

In this tutorial, we will take the previous Spring MVC hello world XML-based, and convert it to a annotation-based

原创 In SQL, what’s the difference between a full join and an inner join?

A brief explanation of a join Let’s start with a quick explanation of a join. Joins are used to combine the data fr