原创 ZOJ 2401 Zipper

Given three strings, you are to determine whether the third string can be formed by combining the characters in the fir

原创 CSU 1562 Fun House

American Carnival Makers Inc. (ACM) has a long history of designing rides and attractions. One of their more popular at

原创 ZOJ 2748 Free Kick

In a soccer game, a direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the offences. A d

原创 ZOJ 2417 Lowest Bit

Given an positive integer A (1 <= A <= 100), output the lowest bit of A. For example, given A = 26, we can write A in b

原创 大學生程序設計邀請賽(華東師範大學網賽)

地址 昨晚的比賽,最近都沒怎麼寫過題了,本來打算拿這個練練手的,結果打到一半被瑣事纏身啊。。。所以只寫了四題就撤退了,然後今天來補個題。 A. 拼音魔法 Time limit per test: 1.0 seconds Ti

原创 第八屆藍橋杯決賽小結

啊啊啊,我是個zz,果然拼圖題是我的魔咒,三年藍橋杯,次次出拼圖,從來沒做對過。 所以這次也炸了,一道填空題,四十來分,沒了。所以特等什麼的也飛了,淒涼,本想 和隊友複製一波去年理工的故事的,然並卵。跪倒Orz 順道說一下今年的C/C+

原创 ZOJ 2481 Unique Ascending Array

Given an array of integers A[N], you are asked to decide the shortest array of integers B[M], such that the following t

原创 ZOJ 1199 Point of Intersection

Given two circles on the same plane which are centered at (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) ,with radiuses r1 and r2, respectively.W

原创 ZOJ 2418 Matrix

Given an n*n matrix A, whose entries Ai,j are integer numbers ( 0 <= i < n, 0 <= j < n ). An operation SHIFT at row i (

原创 5月沒有小結

啊啊啊,最近開始實習了,每天坐四五小時的公交,人都傻了,突然想起上個月的小結都沒寫,算了,五月還是挺和平的。 接下來就是實習生涯了,555,作爲新人各種懵逼,努力學習中。 點贊 1 收藏 分享 文章舉

原创 ZOJ 1104 Leaps Tall Buildings

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's coming right at us! Although it sometimes seems like it, Superman can't fly (without a

原创 2017國際大學生程序設計大賽全國邀請賽(陝西)小結

週四從杭州出發,一天的火車,坐到了西安站,然後下來是一個多小時的出租車,給送到了秦和溫泉酒店。 西工大這邊簡直就是山區啊,周圍都是山,離市區賊遠,可怕。 然後住的是小別墅,這應該是出來比賽住的最好的一次了,後院還有個所謂的溫泉,是放水的那

原创 6月,嶄新的日子

結束了學校這邊的期末問題,這個月正式進入阿里實習,一個月就過去了,阿里的氛圍挺好的,工作的環境也很棒,表示很贊。 然後是幹活,面對一堆代碼的我一臉懵逼,這啥啊,那啥啊,感覺之前的東西都白學啦,什麼都不會,有的時候感覺自己跟個zz似的。

原创 CSU 1561 (More) Multiplication

Educators are always coming up with new ways to teach math to students. In 2011, an educational software company, All

原创 ZOJ 1041 Transmitters

In a wireless network with multiple transmitters sending on the same frequencies, it is often a requirement that signal