原创 ASP.NET3.5高級程序設計

Web Forms Page Processing ASP.NET 用一種稱爲回發的技術來處理這種分隔,當執行某些動作時,它發送頁(和所有用戶提供的信息)到服務器。當ASP.NET 接收此頁,它然後可以點火相應的服務器端事件來通知你的代碼

原创 FilterOutputStream 和FilterInputStream

FilterOutputStream and FilterInputStream Byte array, file, and piped streams pass bytes unchanged to t

原创 Synchronization 同步

Synchronization 同步 Throughout its execution, each thread is isolated from other threads because it has been given its o

原创 Performing Classic I/O 執行傳統的I/O

Performing Classic I/O Applications often input data for processing and output processing results. Data is input from

原创 Exploring Threads 探索線程

Applications execute via threads, which are independent paths of execution through an application’s co

原创 PipedOutputStream 和 PipedInputStream

PipedOutputStream and PipedInputStream Threads must often communicate. One approach involves using sha

原创 BufferedOutputStream 和 BufferedInputStream

BufferedOutputStream and BufferedInputStream FileOutputStream and FileInputStream have a performance p

原创 使用RandomAccessFile API

Working with the RandomAccessFile API Files can be created and/or opened for random access in which a mixture of write

原创 Obtaining Disk Space Information獲取磁盤空間信息

Obtaining Disk Space Information A partition is a platform-specific portion of storage for a filesystem, for example,

原创 Working with Streams 使用流

Working with Streams Along with File and RandomAccessFile, Java uses streams to perform I/O operations. A stream is an

原创 FileOutputStream 和 FileInputStream

FileOutputStream and FileInputStream Files are common stream destinations and sources. The concrete Fi

原创 Deadlock

Deadlock 死鎖 Too much synchronization can be problematic. If you are not careful, you might encounter a situation where

原创 培養方案術語解析

知識:人們有實踐中獲得的認識和經驗 技能:指掌握並能運用專門技術的能力 素質:(1)心理學上指人的某些先天的特點          (2)事物本來的性質          (3)素養          (4)白色的質地 能力:才能和辦事的

原创 Setting and Getting Permissions設置和取得許可

Setting and Getting Permissions Java 1.2 added a boolean setReadOnly() method to the File class to mar

原创 Creating and Manipulating Files and Directories創建和處理文件和目錄

Creating and Manipulating Files and Directories File also declares several methods for creating new files and director