原创 The Building Blocks-Enterprise Applications Part 2- Information Management and Business Analytics

1. Business Analytic Applications Data Analytics Also referred to as 'Business Analytics' or 'Business Intelligence' Al

原创 Doing Enterprise Architecture- Part 2- Implementation, Projects & Governance

1. Why Enterprise Architecture Two key reasons why an EA is needed -Critical to business survival and success -Enables

原创 Doing Enterprise Architecture-Planning: TOGAF

1. TOGAF Consists of two continua: 1. Architectural continuum Foundation Common Systems IndustryOrganisation Architect

原创 The Building Blocks- Components of EA Part 2- Process, People, Network and Time

1. Zachman Framework Information (Data) - Answer the Question 'What?' Contextual: List of Things important to the Busin

原创 Introduction

1.what is Architecture? Design framework that enables the various parts of an organization to articulate how informatio

原创 The Building Blocks-Components of EA part 1- Information and Strategy

1. Zachman Framework Presented as matrix of Rows and Columns representing domain of interest and level of abstraction.

原创 The Building Blocks-Enterprise Applications Part 1- Overview and ERP

1. Key Messages -An organisation's application portfolio consists of a wide variety of larger and smaller systems, that

原创 Session and Distribution

Session State A stateless server doesn't retain state between requests. On the other hand, some sessions are inherentl

原创 Building Block of Enterprise Architecture

1. Why the Need? EA provides the model of how things fit together at enterprise level Lack of enterprise planning has l

原创 Testing

Performance Testing Performance testing is commonly conducted to accomplish the following:     Assess production readin