原创 MM--mb1c的代碼跟蹤更新說明(561的起初庫存)

1)MARD更新 MARD-LABST =  MARD-LABST + 輸入的數量 "LFMON" = 月份 ,"LFGJA" = 年份 2)MBEW更新 "LBKUM" = "LBKUM" +輸入的數量, "SALK3" = "SALK

原创 abap--About ABAP Debugger

  How do I debug background Processes? In transaction SM50 (process overview), you can select a background process and

原创 關於SAP的RFC一些問題列表

1.1. How can I find out my current qRFC version and supplement? You can find out your current version and supplement n

原创 MM--MIGO的屏幕格式由來學習


原创 MM--Materials Management Terms in SAP

1. ABC Classification2. Framework Order3. Goods Receipt4. Invoice Verification5. Material Group6. Material Master Recor

原创 祝大家新年快樂,新年吉祥!

期待新的一年,期待sap的學習有新的進步,爲大家收集更多資料,也謝謝大家一直對我的鼓勵!        http://searchsap.techtarget.com/expert/KnowledgebaseAnswer/0,289625

原创 abap--一個改變程序性能的樣例,給初學者一個編程的思路,請大家指點

Suppose you have the following program. What can you do to improve performance changing the fewest lines of code? table

原创 MM--關於Material Management的自動拋帳

如果你要得到一個G/L Account的話. 是需要具體幾個條件的. 一是,你要知道是那個CLIENT (這個基本上是屬於廢話,是一定知道的) 第二個

原创 basis--IMG後臺如何顯示事務碼(How to display IMG's Tcode)

Enter "spro" screen Click Menu : Additional Information->Additional Information->display key----IMG,usually the last fo

原创 SD--configure a down payment scenario in SD

  Process Flow The following units describe the individual steps in the down payment processing process. The following

原创 sd--如何控制定價條件根據用戶不同而操作不同(有的可以輸入有的不可以)

Often there is a requirement for making a condition type (price, discount etc) non-modifiable for some-users and modifi

原创 七種場景下的軟件工作量估算步驟

場景一:合同前的工作量估算場景描述:(1)沒有實施過CMMI2級(2)合同未籤,需要給客戶報價(3)有客戶的概要需求,有類似的項目數據可供參考(4)需要估計整個項目的總工作量,以便於估算總成本,給客戶報價 估算步驟:(1)尋找類似的歷史項

原创 BASIS--Monitoring in SAP Event Management

Event Management ObjectsThe following transactions are used to monitor SAP Event Management objects./SAPTRX/EH_LIST – E

原创 ABAP--C語言調用SAP的RFC的代碼樣例

C語言代碼#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include "sapnwrfc.h" RFC_RC SAP_API stfc_connection_impl(RFC_CONNECTION_HAND