原创 Brief talk for django test

Core tasks (1)writing tests (2)running tests Writing (a)TestCase class django.test.TestCase as subclass fr

原创 basic markdown instructions

(1)block for code “ 一對單一反引號generally identify一行 “““ 一對單3反引號則標識多行

原创 GVIM&VIM Applying

Prerequisites In my win64-x64 system,the prepared softwares are vim_8.0_x64 (pre_built) (view via :version) pyth

原创 Charset&Encoding

Charsets: Unicode ISO-8859-1 Encodings: utf-8 utf-16 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報

原创 Build Lua On windows 7

prerequisite vs2015 Lua source code for v5.3.6 Building In command prompt, cd %VS_INTALL_DIR%\VC (like D:\P

原创 Regex in Python

Core module import re General Syntax . [] a set of chars, common cases as follows: (1)chars list (2)chars range

原创 庫函數與系統調用

庫函數調用是語言或應用程序本身的一部分,而系統函數調用是內核提供給應用程序的接口,屬於系統的一部分且其是在操作系統內核發現一個“trap”或中斷後進行的(其中系統調用是軟中斷)。 庫函數 vs 系統調用 ** 前者 後者

原创 Resolution In Linux Desktop

Customisation Content of the part involves config flow on resolution in Linux(RHEL_6.4), applicable to adjusting

原创 Build VIM&GVIM Executables on Windows

Prerequisites Here, we build them in 64-bit by msvc compiler in command prompt. visual studio 2015 community wi

原创 IP Level

RDNet Troubleshooting 1 ping under window (1)-t : ping specified host until stopped. -i ttl : set ip package t

原创 Reference Or Value pass in python

Preface (1)Pass/call-by-Reference OR Pass-by Value also exists in Python(like:Python2.7); (2)Commonly,if such immu

原创 advanced points from open source python projects

mainly for open source mongoengine (1)fallback import (2)import from the future (3)customize imports by _ _ all _ _ t

原创 plugin installation in eclipse

basic concept to do common installation approaches as for eclipse_neon_4.6 (a)dropins    it is a default watched

原创 common concepts about Django

CSRF cross site request forgery(跨站點的請求僞造) For example: a malicious website contains a link, a form button or some

原创 basic setting on Pycharm

interpreter local environment: pycharm 2017.2.3 python2.7 and python3.6 (1)first focus on multiple interpreter with