原创 Which function is called?

class b{public:  virtual void mf( int p ) ;} ;void b::mf( int p ){  cout << "member function mf in b called, "       <<

原创 Struct is the same as int and float

int:int Number=0;Number=InputNumber();=============================struct Date{  int Day;  int Month;  int Year;};struc

原创 Pass two dim array!

如何將二維數組作爲函數的參數傳遞    作者: jatix    郵箱: [email protected]    QQ:   52287017聲明:  如果你是得道的大俠,這篇文章可能浪費你的時間,如果你堅持要看,我當然感覺很高興,但是希望你看

原创 A const object can only call const function

consider the following class//=========================================================class cal_date{  public:    bool

原创 The meaning of p->Next==NULL

Assume a node p. p->Next means its an empty list or it is the end node. PS: In other words, an empty list is also anot

原创 Another form of default constructor

Define a book class:class book{public:  book( int newISBN = 0, string newName = "" ) ;// Other member functions...priva

原创 Differenct between return by value and by reference

Consider the following code://==================================1    int max( int& n1, int& n2 )2    {3      if(n1>n2)4

原创 The last Node of Link List

The Last node should pointer to itself, as following:      Node *z = new Node;      z->Next = z; That could display the

原创 The Program Extention

Problem Description:                 A manufactured item can have one of the solid shapes cone,                cylinde

原创 Print the macro number

#define NUMBER 10if you want to print the number 10 on the screen, the code is:     printf(“%d“,NUMBER); - END -

原创 No return value when using recrusion

The following code will pass the complie, but with wring message in Borland C++Builder 6.0:     [C++ Wring] EX14PG197.c

原创 Operation PRI

While doing EX22PG199 in the book written by Paul.Kelly, I want to take out the value in an two dim array using the fol

原创 Access out of range

Suppose OneLineText is a stringDon't forget to check the index or it could be out of range! Lenthg chec

原创 Grid Table Style Print

If you want print a report as following:Staff no.  Hours Worked  Pay rate  Gross paydddd       dd                     d

原创 Which function is called when use virtual function.

class b{public:  virtual void mf( int p ) ;} ;void b::mf( int p ){  cout << "member function mf in b called, "       <<