原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(13) - Content Providers - Calendar Provider

Calendar Provider IN THIS DOCUMENT BasicsUser PermissionsCalendars table Querying a calendarModifying a

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(14) - Content Providers - Contacts Provider

Contacts Provider QUICKVIEW Android's repository of information about people.Syncs with the web.Integrates soc

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(16) - App Widgets

App Widgets IN THIS DOCUMENT The BasicsDeclaring an App Widget in the ManifestAdding the AppWidgetProviderInfo

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(5) -

<application> SYNTAX: <application android:allowTaskReparenting=["true" | "false"]              android:allowBackup=

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(2) -

<action> SYNTAX: <action android:name="string" /> CONTAINED IN:<intent-filter> DESCRIPTION:Adds an action to an int

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(4) -

<activity-alias> SYNTAX: <activity-alias android:enabled=["true" | "false"]                 android:exported=["true"

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(6) -

<category> SYNTAX: <category android:name="string" /> CONTAINED IN:<intent-filter>DESCRIPTION:Adds a category name t

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(15) - Content Providers - Storage Access Framework

Storage Access Framework IN THIS DOCUMENTSHOW MORE OverviewControl FlowWriting a Client AppWriting a Cus

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(2) - Providing Resources

Providing Resources QUICKVIEW Different types of resources belong in different subdirectories of res/Alternative

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(8) -

<data> SYNTAX: <data android:scheme="string"       android:host="string"       android:port="string"       android:p

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(19) -

<receiver> SYNTAX: <receiver android:enabled=["true" | "false"]           android:exported=["true" | "false"]      

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(15) -

<permission> SYNTAX: <permission android:description="string resource"             android:icon="drawable resource"

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(11) -

<intent-filter> SYNTAX: <intent-filter android:icon="drawable resource"                android:label="string resourc

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(16) -

<permission-group> SYNTAX: <permission-group android:description="string resource"                   android:icon="d

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(7) -

<compatible-screens> SYNTAX: <compatible-screens>     <screen android:screenSize=["small" | "normal" | "large" | "xl