原创 Ubuntu-12.04 VNC 連接顯示灰色或者一個叉

Ubuntu install VNC so easy!! 連接後顯示灰色或者一個叉: root user: vi /root/.vnc/xstartup -----------------------------------------

原创 Network virtualization, management silos and missed opportunities

Conway's law states that "organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copie

原创 Python.Paste指南之Deploy(2)-實踐

這篇來自電子科大的博文感覺不錯,結合了openstack quantum代碼分析,以及寫了一個python代碼例子來說明paste deploy對應ini文件中每個section的不同,看了對paste deploy更加的明瞭,贊! 文章

原创 OpenStack Storage Services --- Cinder

  OpenStack Storage: Horses for Courses 1) OpenStack Cinder (Block Storage):   * Architected to provide traditional

原创 OpenStack Grizzly Install Guide----VLAN Mode(3 Node)

Controller Node: iDataPlex M2       | eth0:|eth1:|eth2:x Network Node: System x3550        |

原创 What is Network Virtualization?

Data centers exist for the sole purpose to deploy applications. Applications that automate business processes, serv

原创 Network Virtualization

Originate from:    http://networkheresy.com/2012/05/31/network-virtualization/ [This post was written with Bruce Da

原创 pattern 學習記錄

1. 單例模式 只有一個實例、它必須自行創建這個實例,不需要顯示的手動去創建實例、它必須自行向整個系統提供這個實例。 在python中模塊就是一個實現單例很好的工具, python的模塊: 所有變量都會綁定到模塊 模塊只需要初始化一次 i

原创 OpenStack與監控系統

數據監控和展示是雲平臺中重要的部分,隨着節點數目和所需監控對象的數量的增加,一個強大、健全、可擴展的監控系統才能滿足各類用戶的需求。它是一個雲平臺非常重要的特性,也是評估一個IAAS的可運維程度的參考。 首先我們需要看看目前衆多雲平臺

原创 Ceilometer Source code ---- page 1

開篇之前列出隨處能見到的ceilometer Architecture pic,方便在代碼中找到對應的模塊. 在分析代碼之前,其目錄結構相對清晰明瞭!看到每個dir能知道大概是啥用途而且在Arc裏面能找到起模塊,不過裏面有publish

原创 Stevedore - (Dynamic Code Patterns: Extending Your Applications with Plugins)

Dynamic Code Patterns: Extending Your Applications with Plugins      Download this deck  in here. The Extension

原创 Python筆記

Letter to a young programmer Dear (insert name here), I heard you enjoy a certain programming language named Python.

原创 A brief IT orchestration engines/software overview (for OpenStack)

Automating installation: 1. Salt Stack - http://wiki.saltstack.cn/ 2. Chef - https://github.com/opscode/chef 3. Puppet

原创 Horizon SSL (Centos)

1. /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings USE_SSL = True CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = TrueSESSION

原创 OpenStack, What it really is?

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