原创 Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Binary Neural Networks

Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Binary Neural Networks 文章目錄Forward and Backward Information

原创 Training Quantized Neural Networks with a Full-precision Auxiliary Module

文章目錄Training Quantized Neural Networks with a Full-precision Auxiliary ModuleIntroductionMethodExperiment Training

原创 Balanced Binary Neural Networks With Gated Residual

文章目錄motivationMethodMaximizing Entropy with Balanced Binary WeightsReconstructing Information Flow with Gated Resid

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Noise injection and clamping estimation for neural network quantization 文章目錄Noise injection and clamping estimation

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Ristretto: Hardware-Oriented Approximation of Convolutional Neural Networks 文章目錄Ristretto: Hardware-Oriented Approx

原创 Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A whitepaper

翻譯鏈接 可以說是很詳盡了

原创 Multi-Precision Quantized Neural Networks via Encoding Decomposition of {-1,+1}

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原创 PyTorch中的hook

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原创 Back to Simplicity How to Train Accurate BNNs from Scratch

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原创 PACT parameterized clipping activation for quantization neural networks

PACT: parameterized clipping activation for quantization neural networks 文章目錄PACT: parameterized clipping activatio

原创 Towards Accurate Binary Convolutional Neural Network

Towards Accurate Binary Convolutional Neural Network 文章目錄Towards Accurate Binary Convolutional Neural NetworkIntrod

原创 Ternary weight networks

文章目錄Ternary weight networks​Problem formulationApproximated solution with threshold-based ternary functionTraining

原创 觀雲圖後感

文章目錄觀《雲圖》後感女記者的故事——真實同性戀作曲家——愛情/超越卡文迪許的故事——自由廢奴小哥的故事——平等/信任星美的故事——倫理/真實末世大哥的故事——信仰影片中反覆提到的 觀《雲圖》後感 當我看完這部電影,我開始思考生命的意

原创 人性的弱點

文章目錄人性的弱點待人接物的基本技巧如何贏得他人的喜愛如何讓他人信服你如何友善的改變他人一封創造奇蹟的信幸福婚姻的7個法則問卷調查丈夫篇妻子篇 人性的弱點 這本書的名字雖然叫做人性的弱點,其實它寫的都是“人性”本身而已。人性本身是不無