原创 DPM for WebSphere Portal best practice 2 - Vignette Site and WebSphere Virtual Portal

WebSphere Virtual Portal as equivalent to Vignette Portal Site: Vignette has site defintion for both Vignette content

原创 Vignette Social Community development tips

User Profile: Can we find user profile OID if we know user OID? or vice versa? 1.     If you have the user oid, you c

原创 Portlet or component that can be uninstalled or stoped in WebSphere Portal

There are three different kind of applications / portlets that can be either disabled or removed from WebSphere Portal

原创 Tips on upgrading DPM 7.6 for WebSphere Portal to DPM 8.0 for WebSphere Portal

VCM has a significant change from 7.6 to 8.0, the upgrade process has been provided. But for DPM part, you only can fin

原创 What’s New in WebSphere Portal 7

Rob Will, the Chief Architect for WebSphere Portal gave an overview of what’s new.  Portal 7 is out as of September 1,

原创 Some interested WebSphere Portal API

Get object id from unique name: private ObjectID getObjectID(String uniqueNameStr){ try { InitialContext ctx

原创 Open Text VCM8.0 installation and upgrade on Windows XP

Open Text VCM8.0 installation on Windows XP: VCM 7.6 supports to be installed on Windows XP for design and development