原创 ShengYu Shen's academic research blog online again

because of the blockage of blogspot, I move my blog here.  

原创 TACAS'11::Optimal Base Encodings for Pseudo-Boolean Constraints

This paper talk about a new method to translate the PSB problem into SAT.    Of course there are some direct solving me

原创 MICRO03:Razor: A Low-Power Pipeline Based on Circuit-Level Timing Speculation

Dynamic voltage scaling is widely used to reduce the power consumption, but it need to guarentee that all critical path

原创 關於gap的Buchberger算法

今天繼續學習使用GAP,驚奇的發現GAP的Buchberger算法居然是玩具性質的,通常並不推薦使用 通過在羣裏發問,專家的解答是通暢調用Singular的視線 難道我們又要返回Singular?

原创 conformal eco can not find tie cell in tie cell insertion

This week I try to generate ECO for one netlist with conformal ECO tool. But the conformal ECO tool keep complain that

原创 bash no such file or directory in ubuntu 1404

我今天在我的macbook pro retina 上的虛擬機裏安裝了ubuntu 1404。 當我試圖運行cadence ncverilog時,ubuntu的終端報錯"bash no such file or directory"。 後

原创 DAC11:Re-Synthesis for Cost-Efficient Circuit-Level Timing Speculation

This paper reduce the number of paths that need "Timing Speculation" by retiming to improve timing character. And then

原创 TACAS11: Canonized Rewriting and Ground AC Completion Modulo Shostak Theories

Very interesting paper that combine AC(ssociativity and commutativity) operators with Shostak approach.   Generally, th

原创 "Inferring Assertion for Complementary Synthesis" is accepted by ICCAD'11

My paper "Inferring Assertion for Complementary Synthesis" has just been accepted by ICCAD'11.    

原创 Macbook deadlock after updated to Mac os x 10.6.6

Three days before I update my macbook to 10.6.6, after that whenever I login into my account, it will hung up three, a 

原创 TACAS11: Compositionality Entails Sequentializability

Almost all existing approaches that verify concurrent program restrict the number of contxt switch such that an under-a

原创 DAC11:Abstraction-Based Performance Analysis of NoCs

It infers the traffic pattern for each channel in a NOC by analyzing the simulation trace generated by typical benchmar

原创 CAV11: Existential Quantification as Incremental SAT

It use ALLSAT approach to perform existential quatification. And use increamental SAT to reduce the run time overhead.

原创 /CAD/cadence/tools/bin/64bit/simvision: 61: cds_plat: not found

ncsim complaint this on ubuntu 1004. This is because the csh is not installed

原创 "A Halting Algorithm to Determine the Existence of the Decoder" accepted by TCAD

My paper "A Halting Algorithm to Determine the Existence of the Decoder" has just been accepted by IEEE Transactions on