原创 It's a cloudy Monday

It's been a cloudy monday. I skipped lunch for that i was busy preparing to send out an survey through email to all my

原创 Crying out loud inside

I didn't go to the IBM exam last Sunday. However, my algorithm exam finally pays off. 昨晚在小區的花園看見拾荒的老人和流浪狗。有點難過。。。

原创 Feeling Frustrated

It's been a year since graduation of college. I'm totally out of my mind now, everyone around me is advancing while i'm

原创 I'll Move Soon

I'll pack up tonight and move most of my stuff to the lab tomorrow. I found this afternoon that the seat in the corner

原创 Fearing of growing old

Born in the 1980's.2 years later i'll be running down to my 30's. I always get confused about my age, from the "14" on

原创 Rainy Children's Day

It's a rainy children's day, the rain is like pulling down. I'm stucked in a small meeting room at SHM. I'll wait till

原创 I'm Going....

Travel back and forth between downtown and country side. 80KM per day, more

原创 1900

Ever since my hard drive crashed last time, i've lost a lot of data. This gradually pays off, when i want to pick up mo

原创 Find some place to say something.

Hide from all the people who know me and say whatever i want to say here.

原创 I like small font..

I like my weblog to be displayed in small font. I like coffee. I like to sit in a coffee shop in the late afternoon, t

原创 Miss My Honey A Lot

Miss my Honey a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate to be alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss my Honey a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate t

原创 Arrived at SHM

Arrived at SHM taking the intern shuttle. A long dark  lonely night ahead.

原创 Down with a bad cough these days

It's been 35C for like more than weeks. It's unbearable. 22C in Office, more than 10C in difference. When you walk out

原创 Sleeping on the floor of a meeting room...

This feeling sucks when you sleep on the floor of a meeting room, it's just like a lost dog sleeping on

原创 2nd Night

I went to SHM tonight and started reviewing my Distributed System course of which the exam's gonna fall on next tuesday