原创 don't forget to append one ';' after every class definition

gcc compiler complains that 'error:  expected unqualified-id before string constant' The most possible reason is that y

原创 Weak variable scope control in Python

Variable scope in Python is very similar to that in C. Functions can access any variable in its upper scope. It's a goo

原创 find the two same numbers in 1 million random numbers

Problem:   There are two same numbers and other unique numbers in a set which contains 1 million random numbers totally

原创 時間緩存容器TimeCacheMap的實現

Storm中實現了一個容器,它裏面的元素存一定時間,超過該時間的元素便可能被刪除,以保證容器可以加入更多新容器。 實現思想:初始化N個容器,N個容器組成鏈表,元素的最短存儲時間爲T,每次將新元素插入到鏈表頭部的容器內,每隔T/(N-1)時

原创 特殊符號的英文讀音

原文鏈接:http://blog.taihainet.com/user1/65486/archives/2010/105267.html 特殊符號的英文讀音 ` backquote 反引號 ~ tilde ! exclam @ at 

原创 separate odd and even numbers in an array in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity

Problem: as title Solution: same as partition algorithm in quick sort. /**after processing, odd number is in the left p

原创 svn: check out a new branch , realse or tag and merge to branches.

create a new branch     In SVN, branches, realses and tags are just common directories. Creating a new branch means mak

原创 bitwise trie tree 的參考實現-nedtries簡單解析

trie tree 是一種公共前綴樹,(和關聯規則的一種算法frequent-pattern growth算法的數據結構相同),具體定義見wiki。 上面爲一棵trie tree,直觀上看,如這種數據結構做索引,應該不錯,事實也是如此:

原创 erlang list

list syntax is same to list in python. favourite functions in lists module. nth(N, List). sublist(List1, Len)/sublist

原创 find the kth largest element in a list and find the first k largest elements in a list

Problem 1: Given an unordered  list, find the kth largest element in this list. Solution 1   sort this list and you ca

原创 索引優先隊列


原创 String object and String literal are different

String s = new String("hello"); String t = "hello"; In above code, s is a String object and t is a String literal, that

原创 Qiuck Sort

Quick Sort is a divide and conquer algorithm.   erlang code: %implements the partition method. Just for demonstration.