原创 [Mysql] dump blob

By appending "--hex-blob" after mysqldump.

原创 [linux] Adjust Time

We use the command below to find out the current system time:dateIf it's in

原创 [Eclipse] Fixing: resource is out of sync

Sometimes when we try to synchronize with the cvs repository, we hit an err

原创 [linux] chmod subdirectories and files

To chmod the contents and subdirectories of a directory, append -R after th

原创 Fixing: a jvm error

"[b]An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine[/b]" k

原创 [Flex] Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet

Solution found here: http://viconflex.blogspot.com/2008/04/invalid-embed-di

原创 [Flex] to display unrecognizable characters correctly of trace()

By adding these two at the startup line of Eclipse.[quote]-Dfile.encoding=utf-8-Dsun.jnu.encoding=utf-8

原创 [Flex3] CSS type selectors are not supported in components XXX

This warning probably means CSS type selectors are defined or the css file is referenced in a custom co

原创 [CentOS 5.4] error while loading shared libraries

Today I got an error like this one:[quote]error while loading shared libraries: libmp3lame.so.0: cannot

原创 [Java] Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found

When unit testing a remote service with Spring today, I got an error like the one below:org.springframe

原创 [Flex] compilation error

If this error occurs:[i]Access of possibly undefined property DIRECT_CONNECTIONS through a reference wi

原创 [Flex] two ways of loading modules

There're two ways of loading and unloading modules:ModuleLoader - higher level APIModuleManager - lower

原创 [Windows XP] Cannot copy ... Access is denied.

If you encounter the stated problem, that means you need to take the ownership of the file or folder.Pr

原创 [Hibernate 3] Index not created by SchemaUpdate

A normal index like the one below won't get created automatically if hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto is set to [

原创 [IPod] Scroll problems with IPOD

Try this method.[quote]Move the hold button to on. Press the middle button. Move the hold to off & swit