原创 Powersehll有哪些運算符

  Powershell有哪些運行符?當然Google有答案,也許Baidu也有答案。不過我決定還是先問Powershell試試。所以我嘗試了這麼一條命令: PS F:\> help about_operator    嘿,

原创 VI/VIM text editor 12 Powerful Find and Replace Examples

In this article, let us review how to perform both basic and advanced text and pattern substitution features in Vi an

原创 RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 10 Explained with Diagrams

RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive (Independent) Disks. On most situations you will be using one of the

原创 Powershell uses .Net DLL is pretty simple

Step1 :Create a  C sharp DLL project like below: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; usi

原创 IP的網段劃分規則

IP網段的計算和劃分     IP和子網掩碼   我們都知道,IP是由四段數字組成,在此,我們先來了解一下3類常用的IP   A類IP段 到127.255.255.255    B類IP段 到

原创 Disk usage monitoring

# To monitor disk space usage $volumeSet = Get-WmiObcject -Class win32_volume -ComputerName localhost -f

原创 Restart-Computer enhanced in powershell V3

In PowerShell v3, Restart-Computer now has a number of useful newparameters. For example, you can restart a remote mac

原创 Set up SVN in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, the easiest way to do version control is to set up a Subversion (SVN) server. After several tries i did, th

原创 How to remove orphan virtual switch on ESXi host

If you use WMware ESXi product to manage all your virtual resources. you may met this issue.   The scenario like below

原创 How to install Cacti on Ubuntu

Installation prerequisite The following packages are required to run Cacti properlyApache2 # apt-get install apache2 #

原创 Puppet Installation Guide on Ubuntu12.04

Pre-Install OS/Ruby Version ·        See the supported platforms guide. ·        If your OS is older than the supporte

原创 Time Management Hacks I wish I'd known at 20

幾天前在 Slideshare 上看到 Etienne Garbugli 的一個關於時間管理的幻燈片,覺得挺不錯,值得分享。另外由於 Slideshare 被牆,順帶保存分享到牆內。如果譯文有不到位的地方,煩請指出,謝謝。 01.

原创 拯救崩潰的系統

最近遭遇到虛機遇到存儲故障導致操作系統損壞無法進入系統。 這種情況如果虛機裏面沒什麼重要的東西就懶得去折騰修復了。但這次不同,裏面有非常重要的數據。所以必須想辦法搞定。 症狀是開機系統提示有錯誤需要修復,可以進入修復菜單。 這時如果這臺

原创 OSSEC installation guide

SSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System. It performs log analysis, integrity checking, Windows re

原创 Erlang入門第一課《我的執行目錄在哪?》

在目前網絡上許多的Erlang基礎教程中都提到類似下面的一個例子:-module(tut).-export([double/1]).double(X) ->    2 * X.然後在Erlang Shell中進行編譯tut.erl源文件: