原创 write a tf listener

寫tf listener時遇到的問題: 參考網頁:http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Writing%20a%20tf%20listener%20%28C%2B%2B%29 1.  How to publi

原创 Bandwidth Measurement

Bandwidth Measurement: ========here first =========== By iftop, I found another tool: $ sudo apt-get install bwm-ng b

原创 建立一個rospkg

$ roscreate-pkg lqm_priority_setter rospy ros_rt_wmp ros_rt_wmp_msgs 根據需要改了manifest.xml文件

原创 hokuyo rviz配置

Install  $ sudo apt-get install ros-%DISTro%-hokuyo-node Configuring the Hokuyo $ ls -l /dev/ttyACM0 $ sudo chmod

原创 Latex錯誤: Undefined control sequence. \override margin

這個package 是由IEEE conf, trans定義的,所以首先要選擇正確的document class,比如:\documentclass[journal]{IEEEtran}, 然後在同一目錄

原创 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of initramfs-tools

Try using dpkg directly: dpkg --configure -a If this still complains about dependencies, try dpkg --configure -a --fo

原创 To restore Nautilus' split screen (F3) feature (找回F3分隔文件夾窗口) in Ubuntu 14.04

The simplest option is to change file managers. Nemo is quite similar to what Nautilus used to be. sudo add-apt-repos

原创 mathlab saveas figures into a pdf, eps

saveas(1, 'abc.eps', 'psc2') saveas(1, 'abc.pdf', 'pdf')

原创 Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN

One approach would be to: Copy edited items to another location.Delete the folder containing the problem path.Update th

原创 cpu load measurement

參考: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22021/how-to-log-cpu-load 裏面還介紹了怎麼log特定進程的cpu佔用率。 對你的問題更加實用一些。 要修改裏面比較長的那一條命令。我試