原创 tablespace occuped with autoextent managment and tempfile

  SELECT ddf.tablespace_name, SUM( distinct ddf.ddfbytes ) / 1048576 maxp

原创 Reducing CPU problem caused due to high buffer gets (after large delete)

Reducing CPU problem caused due to high buffer gets. Couple of month’s back I was working on tuning one of the telecom

原创 size tablespace autoextend and temp managed

SELECT tablespace_name, round(SUM(used)/1024/1024) USED_MB, round((SUM(total)/1024/1024),0) MAXSIZE_MB, TO_CHAR(100*SU

原创 memcached相關技術

1.概述         Memcached 是一個高性能的分佈式內存對象緩存系統,用於動態Web應用以減輕數據庫負載。它通過在內存中緩存數據和對象來減少讀取數據庫的次數,從而提供動態、數據庫驅動網站的速度。Memcached基於一個存儲

原创 Tokyo Cabinet與 Tokyo Tyrant

Tokyo Cabinet 是日本人 Mikio Hirabayashi開發的一款 DBM 數據庫,該數據庫讀寫非常快,哈希模式寫入100萬條數據只需0.643秒,讀取100萬條數據只需0.773秒,是 Berkeley DB 等 DBM

原创 C++庫大全

基礎類1、 Dinkumware C++ Library 參考站點:http://www.dinkumware.com P.J. Plauger編寫的高品質的標準庫。P.J. Plauger博士是Dr. Dobb's程序設計傑出獎的獲得

原创 List sessions and some details about them

set linesize   145set pagesize  1000set trimout     onset trimspool   onSet Feedback   offset timing     offset verify 

原创 show log file info and log switches

column day format a16 heading 'Day' column d_0 format a3 heading '00' column d_1 format a3 heading '01' column d_2 f

原创 Shows the reason for multiple statement childs in shared pool

rem output only those statements that have more than 5 versions:define versions=5select version_count,address,hash_valu

原创 Capture the total CPU consumptions for an Instance

  Create a file as bellow named cpu.sh--------------------:/u01/app/oracle=>cat cpu.sh for para1 in $*d

原创 Opt_param: a new optimizer hint for 10gR2

"OPT_PARAM" is a new optimizer hint introduced in 10gR2. This hint behaves the same way as setting a pa

原创 Quick check of asm disk space

#!/bin/bash. /home/oracle/set_oraenvsid="+ASM1"echo "Check Space on "$sidexport ORACLE_SID=$sidasmcmd << EOFlsdgEOF   

原创 put your own progress information in V$SESSION_LONGOPS

If only more developers used the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.  As a DBA I often see requests to investigate why a par

原创 Explain plan for last executed statement

define plan_table=PLAN_TABLEset linesize 132 pagesize 1000 feedback off verify off column statement_id

原创 Retreive new hashvalue and display their load

alter session set nls_territory=france;alter session set nls_numeric_characters=", ";WITHp AS (    SELECT      to_date(