原创 傷害處理

Hi there, last time we’ve learned how to create weapons.  However, we still don’t know how to make a weapon that hu

原创 UDK 載具基礎

Cars, planes, tanks, hoverboards. All of these, in Unreal terms are vehicles.  Like many other systems in the Unrea

原创 配置文件

If you have successfully compiled a custom Unrealscript class, chances are you’ve heard about Unreal configuration fi

原创 UDK – Projectiles

Projectiles are little more than Actors that are spawned dynamically,  move around for a certain amount of time and

原创 尋路基礎

Time to talk about AI is approaching, but before diving into such a deep topic, there is one thing we  must underst

原创 動畫基礎

In this article, I’ll take a look at what needs to be done to play generic animations on an actor. Generic as opposed

原创 HUD(Canvas)

DefaultProperties {      bShowDebugMenu= false      CurrentPage=- 1      CurrentIndex= 0

原创 UDK – Input commands

In this paper, we’ll have a look at controls and input commands.  In other words, we’ll learn how to define game ac

原创 走路和跳躍

This is the second in a series of tutorials I will be writing of creating actions within UDK script. I am self taught

原创 跨欄運動(hurding)

This is the Third in a series of tutorials I will be writing of creating actions within UDK script. I am self taught w

原创 創建動態霧的效果

Here is a video to show the functionality of the shader in a scene. To make the effect easier to see, it has been sped

原创 How To: Interactive Kiosks-Part1

You will want to go into the typical setup for a Scaleform movie before you proceed. I have added a couple components

原创 How To: Interactive Kiosks-Part2

The kiosks are in the midst of being revised, but I figured I would share the previous setup with you, so you can at l

原创 Create a Futuristic Animated Computer Screen Shader in the Unreal 3 Editor

The Unreal 3 Editor is a powerful game development tool that ships free with most Unreal 3 games (Unreal Tournament, Ge

原创 UDK中的Trigger

It is very easy to set up interactive objects using trigger actors and kismet. However, what if we  want to have th