原创 深度學習的實踐方面Quiz 1

1。If you have 10,000,000 examples, how would you split the train/dev/test set? 98% train . 1% dev . 1% test 60% tra

原创 深度學習的實踐方面Quiz 2

1。Which notation would you use to denote the 3rd layer’s activations when the input is the 7th example from the 8th

原创 神經網絡與深度學習(Quiz 2)

1。What does a neuron compute? A. A neuron computes the mean of all features before applying the output to an activa

原创 卷積神經網絡Quiz2

Question 1 Which of the following do you typically see as you move to deeper layers in a ConvNet? nH and nW increases,