原创 Programming Paradigms in Test Automation

http://blogs.msdn.com/imtesty/archive/2009/05/14/programming-paradigms-in-test-automation.aspx   Regardless of the pers

原创 Man and Machine - Jonathan Kohl

Man and Machineby Jonathan KohlI like to walk to work. I enjoy the scenery, the exercise, and the time to think about p

原创 QTP Tips 3 - Run QTP via VBScript

Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") App.Launch App.Visible = True ' Maximize the QuickTest windowApp.Window

原创 Overview of Soak testing

Soak testing is running a system at high levels of load for p rolonged periods of time .  A soak test would normal

原创 Difference between somke testing and sanity testing

SMOKE TESTING: Smoke testing originated in the hardware testing practice of turning on a new piece of hardware for th

原创 自動化測試八宗罪- 讀Test Automation Snake Oil的一點翻譯和感想

Test Automation. Snake Oil  James Bach   1996年發表,1999年修訂.   一宗罪 - Testing is a mere "sequence of actions", but an inter

原创 QTP Tips 2 - QTP速查卡片

http://automated-chaos.blogspot.com/2008/07/qtp-quick-reference-card.html   Bas M. Dam製作的QTP速查卡片,打印出來貼在桌前,推薦給記性不好忘性很大的朋

原创 QTP Tips 1 - 啓動多個QTP實例


原创 Crucial Concepts Behind Advanced Regular Expressions

Crucial Concepts Behind Advanced Regular Expressions By Karthik Viswanathan   Regular expressions (or regex) are a powe