原创 輕量級的xml文檔生成類

<? /** * 輕量級XML文檔生成類(非dom) * author:  q3boy <[email protected]> * version: v0.

原创 Apache 不能啓動,出現 No such file or directory: make_sock: could not bind to port 8080 錯誤

Apache 不能啓動,出現 No such file or directory: make_sock: could not bind to port 8080 錯誤 查找原因:因爲安裝了瑞星防火牆,8080端口被佔用了 解決方法:關閉瑞

原创 PHP單元測試工具PHPUnit初體驗

PHP單元測試工具PHPUnit初體驗 今天接到了個任務,需要對數字進行計算,因爲涉及到整數,小數,和科學計數法等很多條件,所以人工測試非常麻煩,於是

原创 AJAX 常用函數

創建XMLHTTP對象,區別IE,Mozilla瀏覽器    function getRequest() {         http_request = false;         if (window.XMLHttpRequest)

原创 Java FAQ(新手必看)


原创 Naming Conventions 命名約定

Plugin files and functions must follow a very specific naming convention in order to be located by Smarty. 插件文件和函數必須遵循

原创 Output Filters輸出過濾器

Output filter plugins operate on a template's output, after the template is loaded and executed, but before the output

原创 Block Functions塊函數

  void smarty_block_name(array $params, mixed $content, object &$smarty)   Block functions are functions of the form:

原创 爲老機器打造一款速度更快的Win XP

·爲老機器打造一款速度更快的Win XP(1)   對還在用CPU366MHz的老機器的朋友來說,可以這樣節省內存,加快開機速度:   1、禁用壓縮文件夾功能   假如你打開zip文件的話用winzip或者winrar軟件的話,以下優化

原创 Compiler Functions編譯函數

Compiler functions are called only during compilation of the template. They are useful for injecting PHP code or time-s

原创 選擇Java接口還是抽象類


原创 Writing Plugins編寫插件

Plugins can be either loaded by Smarty automatically from the filesystem or they can be registered at runtime via one o

原创 Resources資源

Resource plugins are meant as a generic way of providing template sources or PHP script components to Smarty. Some exam

原创 Inserts插入

Insert plugins are used to implement functions that are invoked by {insert} tags in the template. 插入插件用來執行在模板中被{insert}

原创 sql

下列語句部分是Mssql語句,不可以在access中使用。SQL分類: DDL—數據定義語言(CREATE,ALTER,DROP,DECLARE) DML—數據操縱語言(SELECT,DELETE,UPDA