原创 How to Buy a Wireless Router

Wireless routers are the starring players in a home or small business network, yet they often cause great frustration f

原创 how to debug native crash

Just share some debug method for native crash, it’s a very quickway to find out which line cause the crash in logcat,

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原创 How 802.11 Wireless Works

How 802.11 Wireless Works 93 out of 108 rated this helpful - Rate this topic Updated: March 28, 2003 Applies To: W

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How to write .bat .sh script? this paper will keep track it. Often used .bat command: start /MIN http://www.kkpan.com

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1.TlistToggle-----display tag list 2.ctrl+】jump to defination. ctrl+t return 3. cscope -Rbkq

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Terms VSS - Virtual Set Size 虛擬耗用內存(包含共享庫佔用的內存)RSS - Resident Set Size 實際使用物理內存(包含共享庫佔用的內存)PSS - Proportional Set Si

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移動光標 C-v : 向前翻頁 M-v : 向後翻頁 M-r : 將光標移動到屏幕中間那行 C-a : 移到行首 M-a : 移到句首,從行首到句首之間可能有空格 C-e : 移到行尾 M-e : 移到句尾 M-{ : 向上移動一段

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本文簡要介紹Android Gingerbread中Vold的啓動過程。根據網上的資料和code改寫了一下。 1       Vold      Vold的全稱是volume daemon。主要負責系統對大容量存儲設備(USB/SD

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Enter your search termsSubmit search formWeblkml.org From Kevin Hilman <> Subject Re: [PATCH 1/3] ARM: omap2+: se

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To convert UTC to local time, follow these steps: Determine your local time offset from UTC time. To do this, follow th

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http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/education/aix/au-emacs5/section2.html 進入 Dired 模式的方法很簡單,只要鍵入 ``ESC-x dired''即可。此

原创 Android 網絡時間

Android的網絡時間同步與SNTP協議無關,甚至與TCP/IP協議也毫無關係。        從設置的應用程序中可以瞭解到,自動同步網絡時間的選項只是修改了Settings.System.AUTO_TIME這個設置:  priva