原创 kettle替換jar包中的class文件

jar -vxf kettle-core-5.0.1-stable.jar 解壓縮文件,將要替換的文件替換下。 jar uf kettle-core

原创 Call https service

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; imp

原创 windows xp 網絡共享

To enable local Guest account using Domain Group Policy, please refer to the following steps.   1. In Group Policy Mana

原创 How to Setup and Secure Linux SSH Logins to use Private PEM Keys

SSH logins are susceptible to brute force attacks. A thousand things can go wrong which could give someone unauthori

原创 crontab 的使用及注意事項

1.crontab的基本用法 Usage: crontab [-u user] [-e|-l|-r] Crontab 的格式說明如下: * 逗號(‘,’) 指定列表值。如: “1,3,4,7,8″ * 中橫線(‘-’) 指定範圍值 如

原创 excel encypt

In the previous tutorials we saw how to read and write Excel files using the Apache POI library. In this tutorial we

原创 show bash version

bash-4.1$ bash --version bash --version GNU bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release

原创 Oracle Database 軟件及補丁下載地址

使用迅雷新建任務下載地址填寫 ftp://updates.oracle.com/<patch_num>/p<patch_num>_<version>_<os>.zip 就可以下載到你想要的補丁了。 = 3095277

原创 oracle 9i/10g/11g安裝包和PATCH下載地址彙總

把下面的地址複製到訊雷裏就可以下載,更新了11g安裝包及10.2.0.5的補丁包 ---------------------------------

原创 遍歷指定文件夾中的Excel

Public Sub deleteRows()     Dim strPath As String     strPath = "C:\backup

原创 How can I change a file's encoding with vim?

I'm used to using vim to modify a file's line endings: $ file file file: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators $ vim

原创 select a specific column from a ref cursor

From stackoverflow Table and sample data (COLUMN1 has the numbers 1 - 10): create table table1(column1 number, column2

原创 ETL 工具簡介

這些年,幾乎都與ETL打交道,接觸過多種ETL工具。現將這些工具做個整理,與大家分享。 一 ETL工具 【國外】 1. datastage 點評:最

原创 查詢表被其他表索引

select table_name, constraint_name, status, owner from all_constraints where r_owner = :r_owner and constraint_type = '

原创 Describing a ref cursor using the DBMS_SQL API

The following example illustrates how to describe the columns and values of a reference cursor, created from a dynami