原创 Difference between sleep() and wait()?

看完之後,豁然開朗,Thread 的 sleep 和 wait 的區別! sleep() is a method which is used to hold the process for few seconds or the ti

原创 Disruptor:一種高性能的、在併發線程間數據交換領域用於替換有界限隊列的方案

Disruptor:一種高性能的、在併發線程間數據交換領域用於替換有界限隊列的方案   Martin Thompson Dave Farley Micheal Barker Patricia Gee Andrew Stewart 1 摘要

原创 Observability at Twitter

As Twitter has moved from a monolithic to a distributed architecture, our scalability has increased dramatically. Bec

原创 Unsafe 源碼解析

/** * This class should provide access to low-level operations and its * use should be limited to trusted code. Fiel

原创 Doug Lea discuessed about fork/join framework

Summary Doug Lea talks to InfoQ about the evolution of the Fork/JoinFramework, the new features planned for java.util.

原创 Metrics 軟件包中文指南

1 概述 2 環境配置 3 Gauge