原创 Target-Action in UIKit

The UIKit framework also declares and implements a suite of control classes; the control classes in this framework inhe

原创 UIView的setNeedsDisplay方法

setNeedsDisplay Marks the receiver’s entire bounds rectangle as needing to be redrawn. 讓接收者的整個邊界矩形在需要時被重畫。 - (void)setN

原创 URL Loading System Programing Guide (2)

Using NSURLSession The NSURLSession class and related classes provide an API for downloading content via HTTP. This

原创 Core Animation Basics-Core Animation Programming Guide (1)

Core Animation provides a general purpose system for animating views and other visual elements of your app. Core Anima

原创 UITableView Class 參考 (1)

Creating Table View Cells – registerNib:forCellReuseIdentifier:– registerClass:forCellReuseIdentifier:– dequeueReusabl

原创 iOS 通知機制 Notifications (二)

Registering for a Notification You can register for notifications from within your own application or other app

原创 線程編程指南 Threading Programming Guide (1)[蘋果官方文檔的翻譯]

介紹    線程是併發執行單一應用內多個代碼路徑的技術之一。儘管operation objects 和 Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) 之類的新技術爲實現併發提供了更現代更有效的框架,OS X 和iOS 也提

原创 Xcode Workspace

A workspace is an Xcode document that groups projects and other documents so you can work on them together. A workspace

原创 ASIHTTPRequest

What is ASIHTTPRequest? ASIHTTPRequest是什麼? ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that mak

原创 Xcode Scheme

An Xcode scheme defines a collection of targets to build, a configuration to use when building, and a collection of tes

原创 UIViewController Class Reference

【翻譯自官方的類參考文檔】 Overview 概覽 The UIViewController class provides the fundamental view-management model for all iOS apps. Y

原创 Xcode Target

A target specifies a product to build and contains the instructions for building the product from a set of files in a

原创 Transitioning to ARC Release Notes

[翻譯自官方文檔] Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a compiler feature that provides automatic memory management of Objecti

原创 UIView中的drawRect方法

Draws the receiver’s image within the passed-in rectangle. 用傳進來的矩形繪製圖形。 - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect Parameters rect T

原创 linux 下 .sh 文件語法

注:本文章是我從新浪博客(用戶名爲老徐) 複製的,原文鏈接爲 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_54f82cc201010hfz.html 介紹: 1 開頭 程序必須以下面的行開始(必須方在文件的第一行):#!