原创 A Try on valid XHTML-strict and CSS-valided website.

My try on my homepage: http://www.whizzideas.com XHTML and CSS are two major standard on WWW. But most of the webpages

原创 Java2Script Pacemaker體驗版發佈

開源項目Java2Script(J2S) Pacemaker針對Eclipse3.1.1發佈體驗版。J2S項目旨在複用已有的Java代碼,目前提供將Java代碼直接轉換成可以在瀏覽器中運行的JavaScript。該框架提供了最基本的Jav

原创 CSDN廣告清理器

CSDN的新聞有時還是值得一看,但是由於廣告太多,令人很是厭煩。近日,發現通過FireFox + GreaseMonkey + User Script就可以輕鬆地清除CSDN上那些惱人的廣告。方法如下:1.安裝FireFox:http:/

原创 十五位的身份證號轉爲十八位的

十五位的身份證號轉爲十八位的 function ID15T18(strTemp){ var arrInt = new Array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2)

原创 Always Try to Refactoring Rather Than Rewriting Codes

Rewriting codes is something of work while refactoring codes will be something of art. Do not always tr

原创 用Java NIO寫HTTP Server記錄

花了一個多月用Java NIO寫了一個定製的HTTP Server,主要是支持我的WeBuzz.IM網頁版聊天服務 。   先介紹一下WeBuzz.IM網頁聊天服務。   WeBuzz.IM 是一款網頁版即時聊天工具,用於幫助用戶通過網

原创 To Read W3C Standards

HTML4.01 & XHTML1.0 & XHTML2.0 XML & XSLT & XSLT(FO) SVG MathML XML Schema RDF CSS1 & CSS2 & CSS2.1 & C

原创 To Learn

SWT & Eclipse & EMF ... JDBC Lib under C / C++ Make / Ant

原创 To Read

Read 100 standards Read 100 enterprises' history Conserve 100 enterprises' development Read 100 famous

原创 Java Interface and Class Hierarchy

public interface IClassUpA { ?? ?public void sayA(); } public interface IClassUpB { ??? public void say

原创 I am by nature an optimist.

I am by nature an optimist.

原创 LINUX下掛載U盤方法

#cd /mnt #mkdir usb #mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/us http://www.linuxaid.com.cn/forum/showdoc.jsp?l=1&i=81038

原创 Null Pointer and Cast Exception

Always try to test null pointer and test casting available in the codes. If null, or failed to cast, si

原创 Always override Object.equals() and Object.hashCode() in the same time

Always override Object.equals() and Object.hashCode() in the same time. I had met with such bugs serveral times and it

原创 Sugguestions under Eclipse 3.0 and others

Sugguestions under Eclipse 3.0: ------------------------------- [1]. Use Source -> Format(++F/,+F) to f