原创 Array Functions

1.is_array is_array ( mixed $var ) : bool Finds whether a variable is an array 2.explode explode ( string $delimit

原创 DependencyInjection

1.Basic Usage class Mailer { private $transport; public function __construct() { $this->transpor

原创 Object Cloning

1.behaviors ①When an object is cloned, PHP will perform a shallow copy of all of the object’s properties. Any propert

原创 Events and Event Listeners

1. Create an Event Listener The most common way to listen to an event is to register an event listener // src/Event

原创 Logging

The minimal log level can be changed by setting the SHELL_VERBOSITY environment variable: ERROR(-1), NOTICE(1), INFO(

原创 Service Container

1. Fetch and use Services type-hint an argument with the service’s class or interface name full list (debug:containe

原创 Hello, Symfony

1.Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework Running your Symfony Application php bin/console server:run Storing y

原创 Symfony Controller

1.Map a URL to a Controller (Routing) 2.Base Controller Class (Abstract) & Services AbstractController get access to

原创 Databases and theDoctrine ORM

Install Doctrine composer require symfony/orm-pack composer require --dev symfony/maker-bundle Configure the Datab

原创 tmux

tmux**tmux**基本使用session操作窗口操作pane操作ssh設置斷線自動重連 tmux基本使用 session操作 prefix默認爲ctrl+b(可修改) tmux new -s 名字 新建session tmux

原创 phpstorm outline

1.Code with smart assistance Code completion Intention actions (Alt + Enter) 2.Keep your code neat inspections 3.Gene

原创 UML Class Diagram

1.Definition a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system’s: cl

原创 shell script

1.Demo #!/bin/bash echo hello world $ chmod a+rx script.sh $ ./script.sh 2.Variables-Part I · No space around the “

原创 【總結Ⅰ】CI開發文檔

一.URL 1.在mvc模式下,url遵循控制器/方法/參數/參數…的形式 可通過URI路由(route)進行重定向 2.移除url中的index.php(通過啓動apache服務的mod_rewrite,修改.htaccess)

原创 【總結Ⅱ】CI開發文檔

自動加載文件autoload.php解析 CI中可以自動加載如下類: Packages Libraries Drivers Helper files Custom config files Language files Models