原创 20091031_language

  persist有點偏固執的意味在裏面,就是不顧別人的反對,堅持要幹。insist就是態度很堅定 訳  ちょっとその前に.....稍等一下。。。。。 何だろう   是什麼。。。。 遙か はるか 自由に繰られて  さらさら [下接否定]絲

原创 20091111_english

Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ____________ avoided. A) is to be

原创 20091106_language

enlighten optimize optimism

原创 20091103_sharepoint

At Central Administration site, you can add the user that belongs to the domain server. etc.  Domain/UserA Domain/User

原创 20091107_language_english

quotes consultation glowing annoying tough dive How can I reach you?  聯繫你。 funeral megahertz deficit finance trips su

原创 20091104_WCF

“System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1”的類型初始值設定項引發異常。   the reason is that I modified the App.Config manually, we should us

原创 20091027_.NET_about NotifyIcon

I do not know why the balloon can't be poped out. I use NotifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(.....). If the Icon property was set

原创 20091027+english_good interview sentence

It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices If work has no intention, it's not work at all.

原创 20091029_language

 優れる すぐれる supreme 英[sju:ˈpri:m]美[sʊˈprim]    adj 1. 最高的; 至上的2. 最重要的3.  (程度)很大的,最大的 enduring [ɛnˈdʊrɪŋ, -ˈdjʊr-]       a

原创 20091130_softskill

This morning, I take 33 road as usual, but the previous one broke up, so lots of people changed this one.So you can thi

原创 20091112_english

margins [5mB:dVin]  I. blank space round the written or printed matter on a page II. difference between cost price and

原创 20091208_english

hit back 反擊 抵抗 appreciation  [E7pri:Fi5eiFEn] n. 感謝, 感激, 正確評價, 欣賞, 增值 depreciation [di7pri:Fi5eiFEn] n. 貶

原创 20091103_language

田舎に いなかに hovered  hover [5hCvE]v. 盤旋 metallic  [mi 5tAlik]adj.金屬(性)的 luster   [5lQstE]   n.光彩, 光澤   vi.有光澤, 發亮  vt.使有光澤