原创 JRebel

Recently, I tried an awesome an Tool - JRebel. It saves a lot of time of compile and deploy our project. In my case, I

原创 Get value from properties file outside a jar using Spring

I have a jar file which need to dynamically load external properties file

原创 Spring global exception handling with standalone app

I have a standalone app, I need to catch all exceptions. There's one case that when I disconnect the internet, I couldn

原创 Ant Task check if a file exists

This is to remember what I learned when I customize Liferay SDK plugins. I

原创 java.lang.String cannot be resolved, Indirectly referenced from required .class file

Here is the solution. It's similar to the link I found. http://dev-answers.blogspot.com/2009/06/eclipse-build-errors-ja

原创 Java Send email

Sometimes we want to send an email out when catch an exception. We need to use javax.mail jar to help us to do that. Ac

原创 Maven generates jar file with main class setting and dependency libs copy

When I write a pure java project, I'm afraid of writing deployment doc. Because I need to generate jar file. The most f

原创 log4j create a new log file every day

After I joined in new project, I realized log is very important. We can log in console or file. Here is to introduce a

原创 Liferay And Twitter

Requirements: In our Liferay instance, we need to display organizations' tweets in twitter portlet. Those organizations

原创 Liferay PortletURL(Render, Action, Resource)

1.To get currentURL :PortletURL url = PortletURLUtil.getCurrent(renderRequest, renderResponse); 2. Cre

原创 Liferay LocalServiceUtil and ServiceUtil

In Liferay, there's a lot of Service Util classes. They're really convenient. One thing I notice is that there's LocalS

原创 Liferay Inter-portlet communication(client side)

It's very easy to do that. Liferay provides script to do that. This is the syntax: Liferay.fire(eventName, data) Lif

原创 Embedding a portlet in web content

Today I had a test embeded portlet in web content. This article exactly shows the steps how to embed portlet in a web c

原创 Java compareTo, equals and hashcode

Last time, when our team reviewed my code, they pointed several problems of my code. I'm really happy to learn from the

原创 Jersey make REST call

When we make a rest call and the response is XML or JSON, it would be better to use plugins other than from scratch. I