原创 Robot: Set Global/Suite/Test Variable

Set Global/Suite/Test Variable Set Global Variable name, *values Makes a variable available globally in all tests

原创 Robot: Tuple Operation

Return Tuple Variables If the keywords return tuple, add = in the last variables. Here is an example. ${value 1}    ${

原创 2006-08 貴州5日之行

 我是個喜歡山,喜歡海的人,喜歡爬山的過程,是戰勝自己的過程;喜歡看海,聽海的聲音。借公司5天年假,加上週末,7天時間去貴州一遊。  貴陽市確實是個比

原创 Robot: Run Multiple Keywords

Run Multiple Keywords in Suite and Test Setup and Teardown http://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/libraries/BuiltI

原创 Robot: Duplicate Keywords in Library and Resource Keywords

Duplicate Keywords in Library and Resource Keywords Sometimes, we will meet duplicate keywords in different library orr

原创 Telnet to your Android device

Telnet to your Android device Alternatively to adb you can also use telnet to connect to the device. This allows you to

原创 ADB Shell Command

List Installed Package Names Objective: List all the installed packages on an Android phone through an ADB shell. Andr

原创 Create Vlan for Interface for Ubuntu and Fedore

Ubuntu Create interface for vlan 50 Here are the steps creating vlan in Ubuntu: (I will add it to testbed setup wiki pa

原创 Python+Robot+Appium for Robot Sample

For mobile automation testing, there is an appium can support simulate user actions in the real/virtual mobile device.

原创 Robot Framework Advanced Guider from twiki.cern.ch

In case somebody can't access the page, copy the advanced guider to here. This page is great and very useful. https:

原创 AAPT Command

AAPT is Android Asset Packaging Tool. Get apk details information aapt d badging *.apk Aapt dump badging *.apk D:\apps

原创 Mobile Automation Testing URL Notes

Speeding up Test Execution with Appium https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/speeding-test-execution-appium Use S

原创 手機App自動化測試

手機App自動化測試 之前從未接觸過手機測試,從去年開始做手機測試。喜歡寫代碼喜歡做自動化測試的我,一邊學習做手機手工測試,一邊瞭解如何做手機的自動化測試。 Monkey test MonkeyRunner Appium Appium+

原创 推薦視頻教學好網站

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原创 Telnet/SSH to Fedore Server Very Slow

Summary: The root cause of telnet/ssh to fedore server is dns resolve issue. Telnet/SSH slow response in FC8: In my en