原创 HTML5 - Form validation

validation should be done by Javascript before The form is submitted. Javascript Input Elements has two most used pro

原创 Node(16) working with couchDB

Apache CouchDB™ is a database that uses JSON for documents, JavaScript for MapReduce queries, and regular HTTP for an A

原创 Javascript Debug

Some of the best javascript debug tool is FIrebug in Firefox, developer tools in google chrome. make sure preserlog upo

原创 Node(18) child_process

child_process has stdin and stdout for input and output child_process.exec(command, [options], callback) execute a co

原创 Node(25) sharing code between client and server

http://caolanmcmahon.com/posts/writing_for_node_and_the_browser/ (function(exports){ // your code goes here exports.

原创 Node(24) Express Project

make a express project using command prompt express projectName cd to the project npm install go to localhost:3000 to

原创 Javascript Avoid global objects

Global objects are accessible through out the program. Wrapping global objects in a object that has the same name as th


The HTTP protocol enables web servers and browsers to exchange data over the Internet HTTP is connectionless - no conne

原创 Node(15) vm

vm is similar to eval(), but eval() can change the surrounding context, whereas vm cannot vm is like creating a sandbox

原创 Node(19) Global Objects

Reference A very important global object is process. process represent the current running node program. console is a

原创 Javascript basics - types and variables

Javascript Tutorial Javascript Core and HTML DOM Reference Javascript XML DOM Reference JavaScript OOP: http://phrogz

原创 Node(17) Debug

Debug with console console.log( objects ); to see the details of a object use util.inspect util.inspect(object, [show

原创 CouchDB - Introduction

Reference   HTTP API CouchDB: The Definitive Guide NoSQL is a class of database management system identified by its non

原创 Node(22) Downloading

example with throttle var http = require( 'http'); var fs = require( 'fs'); var options = {}; options.file = 'pride.tx

原创 Node(20) File Upload with formidable module

handling file upload needs to include formidable module, writing raw code for file upload is tough. var http = require