原创 php - zoj 1090 The Circumference of the Circle

AC <?php // Run Time(ms) 0 // Run Memory(KB) 212 $pi = 3.141592653589793; function check($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)

原创 php - zoj 1067 Color Me Less

AC <?php // Run Time(ms) 0 // Run Memory(KB) 212 $arr = array(); for($ii = 0; $ii < 16; $ii++){ fscanf(STDIN, "%d%d

原创 PHP - zoj 1074 To the Max

AC Code   <?php // Run Time(ms) 310 // Run Memory(KB) 1228 fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $n); $arr = array(); $c = 0; $r = 0;

原创 php - zoj 1151 Word Reversal

AC <?php // Run Time(ms) 210 // Run Memory(KB) 212 fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $cb); while($cb--){ fscanf(STDIN, "%s", $bla

原创 php - zoj 1115 Digital Roots

AC <?php // Run Time(ms) 10 // Run Memory(KB) 212 while(fscanf(STDIN,"%s",$integer) <> NULL){ if($integer == 0){

原创 Paths in Yii

{basePath} 1 echo Yii::app()->basePath; path/to/protected {like} /YiiBlog/protected {theme baseU

原创 關係型 Active Record

我們已經瞭解了怎樣使用 Active Record (AR) 從單個數據表中獲取數據。 在本節中,我們講解怎樣使用 AR 連接多個相關數據表並取回關聯(join)後的數據集。 爲了使用關係型 AR,我們建議在需要關聯的表中定義主鍵-外鍵

原创 3 ways to define a JavaScript class

3 ways to define a JavaScript class Introduction JavaScript is a very flexible object-oriented language when it com

原创 php - zoj 1295

AC<?php // Run Time(ms) 10 // Run Memory(KB) 212 fscanf(STDIN,"%d",$num); while($num){ $strline = fgets(STDIN, 4096

原创 SSH KEY Linux下無法連接問題


原创 Set Up Git Server through SSH Connection

If you need to set up a git server for multiple users which may contain contributors and administrator, I recommend usi

原创 Setup the SSH server to use keys for authentication

November 10th, 2005 by George Notaras"Secure Shell or SSH is both a computer program and an associated network protocol

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Linux Mint 11: The best distro for your desktop   Hardware compatibility, ease of use, the size of

原创 Setting up Git on CentOS 5 server

I’m currently setting up Git for our company. The reason is that Git is better than X. This post is all about how to ge

原创 Facebook 的系統架構

來源:http://www.quora.com/What-is-Facebooks-architecture (由Micha?l Figuière回答) 根據我現有的閱讀和談話,我所理解的今天Facebook的架構如下: Web 前端是