原创 Seam Order by

1) setOrder("Calendar.datesStart asc");2) http://seamframework.org/Communit

原创 Galileo and Maven


原创 Seam's tips for Seam in Action (1)

1) add entity by method-bindingpage 18#{tipAction.add(tip)} public void

原创 Unsupported major.minor version

To fix the actual problem you should try to either run the Java code with a newer version of Java JRE o

原创 Persistence Unit and transaction-type

"The transaction-type attribute is used to specify whether the entity managers provided by the entity manager factory

原创 JBoss Forge

java 7 JDK forge 2.12.3http://forge.jboss.org/document/sample-forge-usage-tasks$ project-new --named ex

原创 Good strategy for converting jpa entities into restful resources

With a combination of JAX_RS 1.1 and Jackson/GSON you can expose JPA entities directly as REST resource

原创 Jboss -- Manually deploy war

wildfly-8.x.x.Final/bin$ ./jboss-cli.sh --connect[standalone@localhost:9990 /] deploy xxx

原创 configure postgresql datasource in EAP 6.3 / Wildfly 8

find JBoss / Wildfly application server./jboss-cli.shInstall module containing the JDBC Driver. Specify

原创 Intellij maven

1)run following command for idea project mvn -U idea:idea2) /bin/idea64.vmoptions-Xms128m-Xmx8192m-XX:M

原创 DB2 10.5

ubutu 12.04sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6sudo apt-get install libpam0g:i386sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linu

原创 Intellij Rest Client Tool window

using the Tools | Test RESTful Web Service command. View | Tool Windows | REST Client - the tool window

原创 Many to one for Nullable foreign keys

A unidirectional many-to-one association on a join table is common when the association is optional. Fo

原创 basic postgres sql

sudo apt-get install postgresql phppgadminsudo apt-get install pgadmin3sudo su - postgrescreateuser dru

原创 Wildfly 8.2 confict with Mojarra 2.2.1

   SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config] (MSC service thread 1-3) Critical error during deploymen