原创 給年,月,日,求星期幾,基姆拉爾森(kim larson)計算公式

原文鏈接:https://www.cnblogs.com/SeekHit/p/7498408.html 設定 int y; //年 int m; //月 int d; //日 in

原创 630. Course Schedule III(java)

There are n different online courses numbered from 1 to n. Each course has some duration(course length) t and close

原创 LeetCode 736 Parse Lisp Expression

You are given a string expression representing a Lisp-like expression to return the integer value of. The syntax fo

原创 LeetCode 862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K(單調隊列)

Return the length of the shortest, non-empty, contiguous subarray of A with sum at least K. If there is no non-empt

原创 LeetCode 726. Number of Atoms(java)

Given a chemical formula (given as a string), return the count of each atom. An atomic element always starts with a

原创 1157. Online Majority Element In Subarray

Implementing the class MajorityChecker, which has the following API: MajorityChecker(int[] arr) constructs an insta

原创 單調棧和單調隊列


原创 407. Trapping Rain Water II

Given an m x n matrix of positive integers representing the height of each unit cell in a 2D elevation map, compute

原创 LeetCode 1163. Last Substring in Lexicographical Order(java)

Given a string s, return the last substring of s in lexicographical order. Example 1: Input: "abab" Output: "bab"

原创 5. Longest Palindromic Substring(java)

Given a string s, find the longest palindromic substring in s. You may assume that the maximum length of s is 1000.

原创 729. My Calendar I (java)

Implement a MyCalendar class to store your events. A new event can be added if adding the event will not cause a do

原创 LeetCode 1024. Video Stitching(java)

You are given a series of video clips from a sporting event that lasted T seconds. These video clips can be overla

原创 LeetCode 871. Minimum Number of Refueling Stops(java)

A car travels from a starting position to a destination which is target miles east of the starting position. Along

原创 LeetCode 963. Minimum Area Rectangle II(java)

Given a set of points in the xy-plane, determine the minimum area of any rectangle formed from these points, with s

原创 Leetcode 127. Word Ladder(java)

Given two words (beginWord and endWord), and a dictionary’s word list, find the length of shortest transformation s