原创 一些材料Mark

1、張老師推薦 ,博文寫作時間2011年07月12日,計算機視覺領域的一些牛人博客,超有實力的研究機構等的網站鏈接,鏈接:https://blog.csdn.net/carson2005/article/details/6601109 2

原创 諮詢博客翻譯之aigoogle--02--精確的說話人分類(Speaker Diarization)與監督學習

精確的說話人分類(Speaker Diarization)與監督學習 原文網址:https://ai.googleblog.com/2018/11/accurate-online-speaker-diarization.html

原创 Typora| Latex 基本語法總結

1 Typora | 文檔格式調整方法 (1)字體 、字體大小:偏好設置或html語言 (2)加粗 :ctrl+b (3)傾斜 :ctrl+i (4)居中 : <center>要居中的文字</center> (5)刪除

原创 【資訊博客翻譯】----通過序列轉導實現聯合語音識別和說話人二值化

[翻譯]通過序列轉導實現聯合語音識別和說話人二值化 原文網址:https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/08/joint-speech-recognition-and-speaker.html 作者:軟件工程師

原创 Typora 使用技巧之文檔格式+Latex

版權聲明:本文爲博主原創文章,遵循 CC 4.0 by-sa 版權協議,轉載請附上原文出處鏈接和本聲明。 1 Typora | 文檔格式調整方法 (1)字體 、字體大小:偏好設置或html語言 (2)加粗 :ctrl+b (3)

原创 librosa 安裝後遇到的問題

出現錯誤: FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory : 'avconv' 解決方法: 安裝ffmpeg   ubuntu 16.04 conda 虛擬環境下 安裝命令: conda ins

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This guide will show you how to use the Vuforia Object Scanner app to create Object Data files – required for creating

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The Vuforia Target Manager is a web based tool that enables you to create and manage target databases online. You can a

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Developing Vuforia Apps Using a Graphical Workflow            使用圖形工作流程開發Vuforia應用程序How To Install the Vuforia Unity

原创 VuMark Design Guide VuMark設計指南

原網頁地址:https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Training/VuMark-Design-Guide.html A VuMark is a new kind of Vuforia target t

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Extended Tracking utilizes features of the environment to improve tracking performance and sustain tracking even when t

原创 Object Recognition 對象識別

Object Recognition allows you to detect and track intricate 3D objects. It has been designed to work with toys (such as

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Platform Components There are three main components to the Vuforia platform. The Vuforia Engine The Vuforia Engine is

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Getting Started Vuforia is a software platform for creating Augmented Reality applications. Developers can easily add a

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Getting Started with Vuforia for Android Development Setting Up the Android Development EnvironmentInstalling t