原创 substitutes of cscope

cscope doesn't work well with java. I try to find some substitutues of it, escpecially want to find one which can imple

原创 eclipse plugin

vrapper vi plugin for eclipse. http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/update-site/stable   about vim, there are another choices

原创 vim color scheme can't work well with gnome terminal

vim color scheme can't work well with gnome terminal. I googled, but couldn't find a good solution.   CSApprox : Make g

原创 vim encoding change issue

Encoding is always a headache issue. After change the encoding to utf-8, I can't switch tabbar by alt-k. There're many

原创 remote desktop access on windows

remote desk connection of windonws seems not statisfy my requirement. I need to control the descktop rather than start

原创 UltraVNC Windows 7 - cannot see menus from task bar

Right-click on your WinVNC icon in the system tray of the target machine you will be connecting to. Under Properties, m

原创 Eclim is great

Vrapper can't satisfy me yet because some functions aren't be implemented by it, such as highlight search, [[, ]], [},

原创 File system buffer

buffer cache, page cache, page buffer. 這篇文章介紹了buffer早期的演進。 http://bulma.net/impresion.phtml?nIdNoticia=1154 缺失的圖可以在這裏找

原创 Can we add file type specific setting in vimrc?

I don't want my vim configuration is distributed among a couple of files (so I can just save and restore vimrc when I h

原创 note

need a note software. I need the following feauters: 1. cross OS. 2. can save notes both on local and server. 3. good c

原创 use cscope with gvim on windows

http://d.download.csdn.net/down/2323939/tattocau download cscope here. copy it under the same dir with vim.   I tried a

原创 java html parsers

an article: http://www.benmccann.com/dev-blog/java-html-parsing-library-comparison/ It includes the following 4 parsers