原创 一個命令創建多個目錄

可能我太土了,才發現下面這個命令!mkdir -p src/{test,main}/{java,resources}

原创 Java Override的兩個問題

1: 如果子類中的方法的參數是父類的方法的子類型,那麼算不算override?例如:class A {public void foo(A a){}}c

原创 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/thi

If you meet this exception, make sure you include the guava-r09-jarjar.jar

原创 use "--links" option of rsync

Today I used rsync to copy some files but I found for symbolic links it wil

原创 How to generate the serialVersionUID when you implement Serializable interface,j


原创 HBase Schema Design

As someone has said [url=http://www.stephenonsoftware.com/2012/06/hbase-sch

原创 使用Java的DelayQueue容易碰到的一個坑


原创 Using the libjars option with Hadoop

As I have said in my last post, I was developing a hbase based mapreduce ap

原创 Serialize/Deserialize Perl Class Objects

Today in a small project I need to serialize a perl class object to string

原创 [leetcode] Decode ways

[url]http://leetcode.com/onlinejudge#question_91[/url]Decode WaysJun 25 '12

原创 How many string objects are created?

This is a very common java interview question. Given the following:String x

原创 Use HBase to Solve Page Access Problem

Currrently I'm working on sth like calculating how many hits on a page. The

原创 Why singleton is anti-pattern?

[list][*] OO[*] Test[*] Other reasons?[/list]

原创 Question on HBase source code

I'm reading source code of hbase. When come to class org.apache.hadoop.hbas

原创 c++中的virtual inheritance
