原创 2.5. Link Aggregation and High Availability with Bonding

2.5. Link Aggregation and High Availability with Bonding   Networking vendors have long offered a functionality f

原创 2.2. Proxy ARP

2.2. Proxy ARP Occasionally, an IP network must be split into separate segments. Proxy ARP can be used for incre

原创 4.2. Routing to Locally Connected Networks

4.2. Routing to Locally Connected Networks   Any IP network is defined by two sets of numbers: network address an

原创 4.5. Route Selection

4.5. Route Selection   Crucial to the proper ability of hosts to exchange IP packets is the correct selection of

原创 What is virtual server?

What is virtual server? Virtual server is a highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real serve

原创 我的友情鏈接


原创 tracert和traceroute的異同

tracert和traceroute都是用來探測數據包經過網絡路徑的工具。 原理: 共同點: IP數據包頭部TTL字段每經過一個路由設備都會減1,當IP數據包TTL爲0且未達到數據包目的IP主機時,當前路由設備會返回一個ICMP


RAID是“Redundant Array of Independent Disk”的縮寫,中文意思是獨立冗餘磁盤陣列。冗餘磁盤陣列技術誕生於1987年,由美國加州大學伯克利分校提出。簡單地解釋,就是將N臺硬盤通過RAID Controll

原创 linux爲用戶添加sudo權限

用sudo時提示"xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.其中XXX是你的用戶名,也就是你的用戶名沒有權限使用sudo,我們只要修改一下/etc/sudo

原创 python spark streaming 從 kafka獲取nginx日誌,秒級統計url pv,並寫入mysql

mysql建庫建表 >create database nginx; >use nginx > create table url_access (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT primary key, tim

原创 python kafka消息傳入spark streaming 實時計算打印

實現了從kafka取nginx日誌,並在本地打印出來  #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2019/01/09 18:00 # @Author : x

原创 python spark streaming單機測試,streaming源爲本地,統計word count

網上有很多pyspark streaming的測試代碼,不過大多都是需要結合kafka做消息來源 由於懶得搭kafka,所以想本地生成隨機數據作爲streaming源,測試spark streaming   google查了一些文章,其實

原创 spark單機模式快速搭建


原创 python連接standalone版spark

昨天已經完成了standalone的spark搭建,當然今天在實際使用python連接時,發現其實是有問題的。master和slave其實並沒有成功連接,原因是啓動slave時指定的master ip地址有誤,需要通過netstat查看7

原创 bond0的集中模式

mode=0 (balance-rr) Round-robin policy: Transmit packets in sequential order from the first available slave through the