原创 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II  Total Accepted: 17137 Total Submissions: 69046My Submissions Given a so

原创 Triangle

Triangle  Total Accepted: 16109 Total Submissions: 60327My Submissions Given a triangle, find the minimum path s

原创 Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Search in Rotated Sorted Array  Total Accepted: 22300 Total Submissions: 77945My Submissions Suppose a sorted ar

原创 leetcode-Reverse Words in a String

Reverse Words in a String  Total Accepted: 15012 Total Submissions: 108513My Submissions Given an input string

原创 記阿里騰訊實習面試


原创 leetcode-Gas Station

Gas Station  Total Accepted: 12195 Total Submissions: 50108My Submissions There are N gas stations along a ci

原创 leetcode-WordLadder

Word Ladder  Total Accepted: 10243 Total Submissions: 58160My Submissions Given two words (start and end), an

原创 leetcode-Subsets

Subsets  Total Accepted: 13267 Total Submissions: 48509My Submissions Given a set of distinct integers, S, ret