原创 OpenJudege-2811 熄燈問題 解題報告

OpenJudge - 2811 問題描述 熄燈問題 有一個由按鈕組成的矩陣,其中每行有6個按鈕,共5行。每個按鈕的位置上有一盞燈。當按下一個按鈕後,該按鈕以及周圍位置(上邊、下邊、左邊、右邊)的燈都會改變一次。即,如果燈原來是點亮

原创 POJ-1050 To the Max 解題報告

POJ - 1050 題目描述 To the Max Given a two-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, a sub-rectangle is any c

原创 HDU-1702 ACboy needs your help again! 解題報告

HDU - 1702 題目描述 ACboy needs your help again! ACboy was kidnapped!! he miss his mother very much and is very scar

原创 POJ-3190 Stall Reservations 解題報告

POJ - 3190 題目描述 Stall Reservations Oh those picky N (1 <= N <= 50,000) cows! They are so picky that each one will only

原创 HDU-1237 簡單計算器 解題報告

HDU - 1237 題目描述 簡單計算器 讀入一個只包含 +, -, *, / 的非負整數計算表達式,計算該表達式的值。 Input 測試輸入包含若干測試用例,每個測試用例佔一行,每行不超過200個字符,整數和運算符之間用一個空格

原创 POJ-1080 Human Gene Functions 解題報告

POJ - 1080 題目描述 Human Gene Functions It is well known that a human gene can be considered as a sequence, consisting of

原创 HDU-2577 How To Type 解題報告

HDU - 2577 題目描述: How To Type Pirates have finished developing the typing software. He called Cathy to test his typing