原创 MIME types in IIS

I'm now only focus on the tpyes of IIS from the Server point.I'm talking about this because I came across a problem for

原创 Some JavaScript Codes or Nodes Collected from Web

More and more students came to ask me about the javascript quesitons.It took me a lot of time to dealing with e-mail fo

原创 finally have time to write something,to pack up some articles

It's the leasure time during  the proj. Also it's time for me to have a rest.I've collected so much technical informati

原创 A simple Example of data processing from Excel as the datasource

This Example is about data processing using dataset.The datasource is an xls file,In the following content,you'll see h

原创 Control WRL embedded in html using Javascript

In my last artitle,I discussed the Java EAI mode to control the vrml. Well,the eai mode is powerful  because of the pow

原创 A simple Example of using Video Textures in Managed DirectX (C#)

You may be confused how to use video textures in managed directX as some students of mine,"because Tom Miller didn't ex

原创 Working Experience of one IT Senior

一個老程序員的工作經歷 一些人總是發出一些錯誤的聲音,形成了劣勝優汰可怕的現象。他們在誤導着中國,把我們的後繼軍訓練成軟件藍領――――胸無大志,目光短淺,稍有點成績就自 滿就自高自大的人,渾不知天外有天,外國正在虎視眈眈盯着中國的龐大市

原创 Java communicates with VRML using EAI mode

Last week several students came to ask me how to use java to  control VRML?This question remembered me something:the sa

原创 3D Game Role Animation

  3D遊戲角色動畫                                     作者:迷糊小亞                                           (這篇文章

原创 Several Algorithms of Image Manipulation

  I'm now focusing on  a proj of  pattern recognition.I'm a fresher of this field,fortunately my task is not too hard

原创 Research on Skeletal Animation (Another one)

Copied from 天蠶蛾,Recently immersed in Skeletal Animation,many transshipments from other authors,these articles really he

原创 Another class to control the camera

Here is another class to control your PC camera.It also uses the "avicap32.dll" and "User32.dll".  You can use this cla

原创 Implementing Skin Meshes with DirectX 8

This article is translated by luchy. 源文件地址http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1835.asp 以下爲翻譯:Implementing

原创 Turorial of buliding Windows Mobile development Enviroment

 I'm sorry to forget the author's name of this article,he/she has done some work to help beginners of this  field,since

原创 Response.ContentType

The ASP.net developer must know this "Response.ContentType",for example,you return an image drawn by the GDI+,I think y