原创 C語言下的容器及泛型編程

1 引言 衆所周知,C++語言提供了大名鼎鼎的標準模板庫(STL)作爲C++語言下的編程利器受到無數青睞,而C語言下並沒有提供類似的工具,使得C語言的開發變得尤爲困難和專業化。Nesty框架的NCollection容器爲C語言提供了一整套

原创 C/C++宏定義的可變參數

轉自 http://www.vimer.cn/2010/03/cc%E5%AE%8F%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89%E7%9A%84%E5%8F%AF%E5%8F%98%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0.html 編寫代碼的過程

原创 C語言下的面向對象編程技術

Nesty框架提供了在C下進行面向對象編程的技術,下面將以一些簡短的例子來說明其如何工作。 從第一個簡單的例子開始 NOBJECT是NOOC(Nesty Object-Oriented C)框架中所有面向對象類型的基類,NOBJECT作

原创 the evil cmake -- string concatenation

when using SET command, string type can be concatenated easily by combining a set of raw string, symbols, or raw string

原创 The evil Windows -- cmd, xcopy, exclude list

Tonight I face a very strange problem, when trying to copy the project binary file tree to my Linux sy

原创 小技巧:讓linux程序在後臺運行

轉自: https://www.deleak.com/blog/2010/05/19/run-software-on-background/ 有些時候,我們需要在終端啓動一個程序,並使之運行——但是如果關閉終端,那麼這個程序也就

原创 The evil C++ -- vsprintf, UNICODE, error output string

Before this time, I always believe building the program with UNICODE or non UNICODE flag only effect the programatic s

原创 萬惡的c/c++——控制檯輸出 改寫當前行

if we just call the c/c++ standare output interface, such as printf, in fact we ouput new text at the back of already p

原创 邪惡的g++ -- 編譯靜態庫

使用mingw編譯靜態庫是, 庫名字必須要以'lib'開頭,否則連接程序連接錯誤, 我在構架codelite工程時發現了這個問題

原创 the evil VC -- Visual C++ project, macro, output file

in visual c++ project setting, we can use the following macro to reference to the output file name, su

原创 萬惡的cmake - vs project unicode and multi-bytes

 利用cmake創建的vs工程默認被設置為使用multi-bytes 如果要讓工程設置為unicode 則需要使用命令add_definitions同時定義_UNICODE及UNICODE兩個宏 一個也不

原创 The evil CMake -- File system, path notation, slash

CMake file system use the front-slash '/' as the path seperator, but under Windows systems, this can c

原创 comparing c++ and c# -- a perspective from high level languages such as C#

recently I was trouble shooting some c# projects exported a very famous game company. they make tools by using .net WPF

原创 鍵盤符號的英文讀法

'exclam'='!' 'at'='@' 'numbersign'='#' 'dollar'='$' 'percent'='%' 'caret'='^' 'ampersand'='&' 'asteris

原创 The evil Windows -- Command line, copy and delete files

In case we have the following directory: c:\XXXProject\Include\ And the directory sub neath may contains lots of files,