原创 IBM WebSphere源代碼暴露漏洞

bugtraq id 1500class Access Validation Errorcve GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCHremote Yeslocal Yespublished July 24, 2000updated Ju

原创 Java世界的Ruby


原创 Lesson one hundred thirty one Don't be so sure.

Where are you going to spend your holidays this year,Gary? We may go abroad. I'm not sure. My wife wants to go to Egypt

原创 Lesson one hundred twenty five Tea for two.

Can't you come in and have tea now,Peter? Not yet. I must water the garden frist. Do you have to water it now? I'm afra

原创 Lesson one hundred thirteen Small change.

Fares,please. Trafalgar square,please. I'm sorry,sir. I can't change a ten-pound note. Haven't you got any small change

原创 Lesson one hundred twenty one The man in a hat.

I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago. But I forgot to take them with me. Who served you,sir? The l

原创 Lesson one hundred twenty-seven A famous actress.

Can you recognize that woman,Liz? I think I can,Kate. That must be Karen Marsh,the actress. I thought so. Who's that be

原创 Lesson one hundred twenty-nine Seventy miles an hour.

Look,Gary. That's policeman's waving to you. He wants you to stop. Where do you think you are? On a race track? You mus

原创 Lesson one hundred thirty three Sensational news.

Have you just make a new film,Miss Marsh? Yes,I have. Are you going to make another? No,I'm not. I'm going to retire. I

原创 Lesson ninety seven A small bule case.

I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day. Can you describe it,sir? It's a smll blue case and it's got a z

原创 兩種Java容器類List和Set分析

容器類可以大大提高編程效率和編程能力,在Java2中,所有的容器都由SUN公司的Joshua Bloch進行了重新設計,豐富了容器類庫的功能。  Java2容器類類庫的用途是"保存對象",它分爲兩類:  Collection----一組獨

原创 Lesson one hundred and nine A good idea.

Shall I make some coffee,Jane. That's a good idea,Charlotte. It's ready. Do you want any milk? Just a little,please. Wh

原创 Lesson one hundred and five Full of mistakes.

Where's Sandra,Bob. I want her. Do you want to speak to her? Yes,I do. I want her to come to my office. Tell her to com

原创 Lesson one hundred thirty seven A pleasant dream.

Are you doing the football pools,Brian? Yes,I've nearly finished,Julie. I'm sure we'll win something this week. You alw

原创 Lesson 89 For sale.

Good afternoon. I believe that this house is for sale. That's right. May I have a look at it,please. Yes,of course,Come