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原创 How to be a professional Java developer

剛看到一個java高手寫的一篇文章,關於java程序員的發展規劃的,在此貼出鏈接,希望大家共勉http://blog.csdn.net/gup21cn/archive/2006/06/22/821709.aspx  我的處女blog,哈哈

原创 Summary on 20080613: the meaningless variable in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are some meaningless variable/value, which means, in logic expression, those meaningless variables

原创 Summary on 2008-06-12: How to check one session is valid

1. before invalidate the session, it's necessary to check whether the session is still valid, HttpServletRequest supply

原创 關於亂碼的測試

hi,下面是我關於亂碼的一個小測試きりょうマイ コンピュータ

原创 Java: PrintWriter.write 向文本文件中寫入換行。

Today I use java to parse a file and get some special content and write the

原创 Summary on 20080701: insert value for identity column in sql

In MSSQLServer, by default, user can‘t insert/assign/update value for identity column; SQLServer will do this for user

原创 Math.abs(int) in Java

Math.abs(int): returns the absolute value of the parameter. If the parameter is equal to Integer.MIN_VALUE(-2147483648)

原创 Summary on 20080710: union and projection search by QBC

1. union and projection search by QBC: in hibernate, QBC can do projection search by use the Projections class. The imp

原创 Summary on 20080717: web page refresh

These days I'm working on web page refresh, and find that there are lots of ways to refresh page:1. win

原创 Summary on 20080716: close the current page through backend bean method

There is such process that: in home page, click some link/button to open one pop up child window, in the window, input/

原创 Summary on 20081111: system method in sql server2005

In sql server 2005, there is no support for array. when you print something using  print @dddvalue, when @dddvalue is n

原创 Summary on 20080707: Hibernate operation on many-to-one relation

Hibernate many-to-one relation mapping: public class Student{ ..... private CoreClass class; public C

原创 Summary on 20080820: when hibernate session will be flushed

Hibernate session will be flushed in the following scenario: 1. use session.flush() 2. do search use session 3. use tra

原创 Summary on 20080706: setting for many-to-many mapping in hibernate

For n-n relationship in database, hibernate supplies the many-to-many mapping type. let's take the class and teacher re