原创 about shared pool

select a.ksppinm , b.ksppstvl from x$ksppi a , x$ksppcv b  where a.indx=b.indx and a.ksppinm like '%dsidx_count' _kghd

原创 grub install oracle linux on linux

firstly you should have the dvd iso file in some of the partition on the existing linux server , for me its in /dev/hda

原创 external table sample : from oracle document

CREATE TABLE sales_delta_xt  (  prod_id NUMBER,     cust_id NUMBER,     time_id DATE,     channel_id CHAR(2),     prom

原创 create the mview with fast refresh - the lazy way

in 10g before creating an complex mview , thinking through how and is it possible to create the mview with refresh fast

原创 seamless physical dataguard creation and swichover

prerequest : primary database name is ocmdb , standby database's directory strutrue is different than primary (ocmdb,oc

原创 resource manager tesing and explain

for the testing purpose , I assgin oracle user DD to batch group and QDL to oltp group , oltp can switch to batch group

原创 remove a rac completely

to minimize the time for an virtual vmare server setup: cd  /usr/local/bin/  and rm the three files rm -rf  /var/tmp/.

原创 e2label , fstab, mkfs, partprobe, fdisk

[root@ocm raw]# cat /etc/fstab LABEL=/1                /                       ext3    defaults        1 1 LABEL=/u01  

原创 aq_tm_processes

QMNC和Qnnn:高級隊列 QMNC進程對於AQ表來說就相當於CJQ0進程之於作業表。QMNC進程會監視高級隊列,並警告從隊列中刪除等待消息的“出隊進程”(dequeuer):已經有一個消息變爲可用。QMNC和Qnnn還要負責隊列傳播(

原创 standard fga and fga

two categories: standard audit and fga audit   enable standard audit : parameters : audit_file_dest =<admin/adump> , au

原创 updated

listener.ora listener=(description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=tcp)(port=1521)(host=ocm.localdomain))) listener1=(

原创 linux 中文包

linux安裝中文語言包 相關配置如下:  yum install fonts-chinese.noarch  yum install m17n-db-common-cjk   yum install m17n-db-chinese安裝上

原创 looks so easy while hard to do -standby in 60minutes

when facing the requirement to configue a dataguard and switch over it twice in 60 minutes, I feel so hard.  network ne

原创 vmware workstation 9 rac vmx file setting . oifcfg

here I create scsi1:0 scsi1:1 scsc1:2 scsc1:3 scsc1:4 scsc1:5 disk on vmware workstation 9 and modified the vmx for b

原创 sqlldr

轉載自http://www.cnblogs.com/jk8158/archive/2008/10/22/1317022.html http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a7e2684901012558.html